"Basically, I can't really explain it that well, but yeah!"
Only Suda could go on stage at a major games conference, say that he doesn't really know what he's making, and everyone would still have every faith in him.
This video should be entitled "Why are we hyped about the next big battle in GoT?"
It's called 'Battle of the Bastards', and you already have a picture of one of the participants in the thumbnail-- It's blindingly obvious who the other bastard will be, given who is located where at the moment.
Come the **** on, guys.
Please change this before you spoil this for other people.
"..so long as they are approved by the Ministry of Culture." That's an enormous 'if'.
People still game a lot here in China anyway, just pirated games on pc... go into any internet cafe and that's 90% of what you'll see.
Don't understand how companies expect to sell legit games for legit prices in this country... no copyright law means it seems pretty impossible without massive legal reforms etc.
Shadow1477's comments