this looks fun, but I have to point out those things:
1) it's EA, so it'll have a short campaign that's not worth the money u spent on it
from what I've seen, this game looks like a mashup of: Blacklight retribution (shooting mechanics, armor+the mechs looks like the hardsuits), Tribes Ascend (jetpacks), Hawken(mechs), Planetside 2 (same sci fi feel, the jetpacks resemble the light assault's pack, the cloak resembles the recon)
all of these games are good, and a mashup of good games ***can*** be good, but it's EA, they'll ruin it, and they won't say anything about copyrights :P
@dussan2 the thing is that this game is old-school, and yet innovative. (this doesn't make any sense right?) this game isn't quake with a new look (nexuiz is), this game is a game **like** quake in the sense that it's a twitch shooter that needs more skill than perks.
it's innovative because it brings back a genre from the dead. not entirely new, but it is different from anything else in the market right now, and that's what i call innovative
ShadowRun02's comments