@robotquest @ClintCommander @deathwatch28 actually this DLC makes more sense then the alien thingies! (there's a youtube video discussing the probability for JW to become a dictator, and if he was a worse person, he could've done it, twice!)
my rig runs it good enough that i can drool in-front of it, but not good enough for me to actually play it :( oh well, getting a better comp in 2 months (hopefully intel core i5 and nvidia Geforce will be enough to run this biatch)
which one is newer? DayZ or WarZ? i mean, ArmA engine sux, i hate the gunplay and the graphics are high on specs and low on quality, but WarZ looks as buggy as shit, i mean, every shot is another lag
@hireath @The_GooBear how come? i loved dishonored, it feels more open then any other game out there! i felt like i could do any mission any way i wanted and that it would effect my future progression-unlike hitman absolution.
@The_GooBear but one of the trade mark of hitman is the ability to play every mission differently, it's like saying that they didn't drop score in CoDBOII because it wasn't as strategic as Battlefield 3.
hitman is a lot closer to dishonored and deus ex then it is to max payne
ShadowRun02's comments