Shadow_Edge's forum posts
PS FFIV is easy. The only time I died was the battle between Paladin Cecil and Dark Knight Cecil. I really doubted whether I should really kill the enemy, or do something else. "A true Paladin will sheath his sword". Sheath his sword? That means putting the sword back in the scabbard. o_O
SNES FFIV is difficult. I heal a lot of times between battles.
GBA FFIV is difficult as well. I found myself one time out of MP, no healing items and a few ethers with the save point far away.
This got my creative gears working! Watch out for the next flash movie. :D
Squall's a trained SeeD. Cloud is injected with a lot of Jenova cells, and I think it's enough to pwn Squall.
Game-wise: Cloud
Cloud will OWN Squall. Stuff like (Sneak Attack)=(Knights of Round) will kill Squall no matter what! Even if he has 255 M.Def, we can abuse (Sneak Attack)=(KotR) or (Sneak Attack)=(Mime). Ensures Squall's defeat.
Even if Squall can do criticals and limits, Cloud can simply be revived with (Final Attack)=(Phoenix) then do (Final Attack)=(Knights of Round). Squall will be helpless.
Absorb elemental attacks? KotR is non-elemental. Maxxed stats? Cloud can also do that with morphing. Hero? Then just summon lotsa KotR to pass away the time. Surely, 16 KotRs would be more than enough to while away the Hero effects.
Coolness factor: Draw
In the game, Squall may win over Cloud.
After seeing FFVII:AC, on the hand....
Like Drain 10/20/30/40/50% HP/MP per attack, unstackable or Chance to ignore enemy attack: 1/2/3/4/5%, stackable. I've done stuff like these, inventing materia.
- Blitzball. Not as fast-paced as the intro FMV wants to make you think.
- Ways of getting the ultimate weapons. 200 lightning bolt dodges?!?!?!?! No thanks, I'd rather level my Alucard to level 99.
- Cutscenes. I don't feel any emotion, the dubs sound phake. Slow too. :/
- Sphere Grid system. It's a Diablo II style skill tree only made more complicated.
- I miss active time battles. A lot. :(
- Where's the world map???
- The game requires you to switch characters early in the game. A lot.
I played some 25 hours into the game, hoping FFX would finally start kicking it. Sadly, it kicked the bucket first, IMO.
Though I finished the game.
The problem with you is that you want a game that you can get through easily without any complications. FFX is 1 of the best games out for te PS2 and always will be. You need to play the game again and take everything in.
"easily without any complications"? I'm in for difficulty challenges, and not challenges for patience. I didn't like the thunderbolt challenge at all, the rest were alright, and the chocobo challenge was both fun and irking at times.
I can't argue with your opinion on FFX. I haven't played FFX for a while, though I might pick it up and play it again.
Best graphics on the PS2? I've seen better, but admittedly, it has one of the best graphics out there, and possible the best graphics for it's time.
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