@WeWerePirates Also, this is not exactly a Nintendo game. You don't see the Nintendo logo anywhere on the game. Don't forget that the Pokemon Company is the one responsible for handling anything concerning the Pokemon franchise, and this particular app was developed by some company other than the usual Nintendo affiliates.
@moc5 @mealkeith Relax, noone is dying, especially CA. A publisher pushing towards an early release without even a beta test doesn't mean the developer dies or anything like that...
@aci808 Who said I am a PC elitist? I said I am a PC user. I am more of a Nintendo console user and I have an Xbox 360 too, which I will buy GTAV for. So yeah, good effort to try and brand me as a PC elitist. I am just against ANY fanboysim; it this case you represent the PS fanboyism...
Shadow_Fax's comments