it will flop like most sonic gamesnaruto7777O RLY?Well, if you turn out to be wrong (which you will), I'm putting that in my sig for however long I feel like.
Actually, I already said 8.5-9.5 was what I was expecting.Maybe it's just my brain.8/10=80/100=80%=BAnd for some reason, a B seems meh to me; average.
Please,the hype for wii music is a flat line. A dead zero.But it will still flop, because we know no matter how bad we think it'll be, it's going to be worse.
Ha!A profound hatred for Christianity was the old Myspace; it was the new thing to have.Just saying, not all of us are crazy nitwits who go around yelling at people about burning.I think those people are idiots, and they give a bad name to the rest of us.
If that's the case, I'd like to stick to the past, plz.Kthxbai.Let's face it, were snobs. Elitists who don't want ignorant casuals enjoying the fine art of gaming. (Well, I am, anyway)If you're not hardcore, then GTFO. Go play Alvin & the Chipmunks with your friends.
I'm afraid not.Tails is a support character, so there will be no brave fighting from our two-tailed friend, unfortunately.
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