@DarthLod @Shadowcreeper31 I'm sorry my casual slang speech of saying 'hate' confused you; I can see that it is quite an exaggeration to 'strongly disliking'. Your opinions don't effect my life, I know (they are just frustratingly annoying and wrong), but other people could thoroughly enjoy the conversations if STRONG DISLIKERS like you didn't come and whine your opinions to us. I actually didn't play 2, and I didn't like 1 that much. I did like Brotherhood though, because of the dramatic change of design and style.
Why is everyone hating about Assassin's Creed being the same? Anyone should be able to tell that this new naval warfare is so much different from the first game! It is coming on the next-gen consoles, features a different story from the rest (more sinister it seems, even for an assassin), and is all composed in a new great world.
@DarthLod And we needed this comment how? Dude y r u even in this conversation... And I really can't help and point out that these very very "costly" maps come with the freaking game!
Shadowcreeper31's comments