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ShadowsGameTime Blog


I am regretted to inform you all that gamespot got a little stingy with my percentage so officially on Sunday at 4.30 AM or maybe a little later the union will be created

The Legion of Virtual Reality

Well as a few of you know i am making a union called the Allegiance of Virtual Reality. The four charter members are Turtlethetaffer (Where did you come up with that name?!?!) C_rake (only Temporaraly, untill we can find a replacement.) DPumbilQ (Awesome Bro :D :) :( ;) ) and knight season ( I DONT KNOW YOU!?!? JK :P) If anyone else would like in please leave a comment.

DVCW- Deadliest Videogame Character Wrestling (nah just fighting)

This is my first installment of a Character vs Character event! So here's the rules. All characters have their original powers and weapons. No fantasy weapons that were not in the game. So here goes... Fighter 1.....ALEX MASON!!!! from CoD black ops Versus!? Fighter 2.....SNAKE!!! from Metal Gear Solid!!!! Discuss! whoever gets the most votes wins! and please dont just vote. Try to jot down a realistic situation where said character wins

Supreme Court Violent Games Ruling Impressions

Well I being 14 (almost 15) have been playing violent video games since i was 5. Not even lying. It started with mere mortal kombat violence and transgressed into Grand Theft Auto Violence. Now most parents dont want their kids playing games like this for simple reasons. 1. They think it will rub off on their children 2. They dont approve of the "message" it gives 3. They have their own "Reasons" (which to me means that they dont have one its just their decision and if you try to get out of it they will just say "Because i Said so." Well look at me. Violence didn't rub off on me. I hate fighting simply for pleasure. I only fight to keep myself from getting hurt, or to get people to leave me alone. The message that violence gives is the only possible reason i believe that parents should no approve of their children playing violent video games. Now i believe that once you are 11, you can handle things like Call of Duty and Mortal Kombat, however those guys at Supreme Court think its 18 (or somewhere around that im not sure of exact details) and up. So back to what i was saying. Violence didn't rub off on me. As i was talking to Tmac about in PM earlier this morning im a very smart kid. I dont read books unless i have to, but I am taking a summer school class of cold fusion and im only in 7th grade! I understand science, whereas my brother, who got the message of violence into his brain too much, is a straight D student, doesnt read period, and dresses like a gangster. So I can see where the supreme court would not want children playing games like this, but there is also a side that it doesn't matter if you do or not. What do you guys think?

Dumb Band Class

Ugh im really pissed off. I forgot i signed up for band again this year just because i didnt want to dissapoint my parents but i hate it! and my principle said last year on the last day that this year we couldent change our schedule. I hate band

I won the Karate National Competition in California!!

Ahh its a good day. Just three days ago i arrived in California and had some real fun! I went surfing, hit the beach, got a tan :) etc But just yesterday the reason i came here, the national karate (well really is any martial arts so i guess youd call it Teen MMA) competition was held! I got beat up pretty bad, but i held out to the end and I won! I used boxing, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and my own style i like to call Tai Jutsu! :P My opponents were all brown belts and i was one too. Im glad i won :P

My summer

Ahh Summer Vacation is finally here. Time to relax, hit the pool, take a break from school. Not for me.... My family might not be Poor, but we certainly are not rich. Our total income is about 60,000 a year and with the bills that leaves us with not much. I never really have been able to "Take a vacation" in the summer because of this, but on the upside I really don't mind. I've got my family, my beautiful German Shepards, and my 13 year old cat. Not to mention 94% of all released wii games.

My past summers have usually been about me running around outside and wrecking my bike on purpose (35 inches of re-enforced steel :P I'd like to see someone break that!) just for the hell of it. I am not sure if you guys have read MAD comics, but one of my friends posted a topic that had MAD news comics on it and it reminded me of this. I used to sit around with dozens upon dozens of collected unopened mad comics unwrapping them and reading them. I saved all of them for summer. My favorite comic was Spy vs. Spy.

This summer I cant go outside due to something to do with my immune system that can't take extreme heat. Whenever i go outside now i get sick. So i plan on spending my time waiting for the next new game, hittin the books (The Lightning theif first :)) and spendin time at the lake. (A Shady one)

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