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ShadowsGameTime Blog

Growing up (No im not that old im 18 im speaking for our parents)

Some of us grew up like this, if your one of them or just feel like it makes you feel more loving of elders please comment :)

If you grew up on home cooked meals, you probably rode a bike with no helmet. (or a fully aired tire for that matter :P)

Your parents house was not "Child Proof". You go a whippin when you misbehaved. You had three tv channels that you got up to switch through or went outside to move the antenna, school started with The Pledge of Allegience. Stores were closed on Sunday's, and you drank out of a water hose and still turned out okay. In honor of my Aunt Rainbow. God bless. :cry:

One Word.....Apocalypse. Real? or Fake?

Hypnosis, other galaxys, the moon landing,etc the list goes on and on about things people are skeptical about. Science has proved that in Appx. 5 thousand (or billion i cannot remember) years (thats 5,000) the Andromeda Galaxy will collide with Earth destroying both galaxies in the process. Do I believe this? No. Now I could be wrong, but if my 8th grade astronomy studies serves me right, Galaxies dont move, move in a circle. Now maybe Andromeda's orbit comes into contact with the Milky Way Galaxy, but its highly unlikely. Here is are some examples of what may happen to humanity.

Zombie Virus Outbreak - ZVO

Resource Cut offs (Electric, water, heating, etc)

Sun Burnout

I apologise i could not find a good Sun Burnout pic.

Now id like some of you to give me your thoughts, opinions and stuff and if you dont believe in it tell me why. Thanks!

Oh an of course...The Rapture

Creatures of the night

I dont know if anyone else is this dark and evil but i LOVE the dark and the ideas of demons. Dont get my wrong though i have devoted my life to Jesus Lord and Savior. But as a kid i loved the darkness. i used to sit in the dark for hours at a time and staring....waiting untill i saw something odd. i kept seeing shadows of people, hearing strange noises. I never do this anymore though it was just something about it when i was a child. Most kids are scared of the dark...I am jealous of it.

Computer Errors

Hey guys. Well i seem to be having some Technical Difficulties with my laptop so i will be getting a new one shortly. over the next week or so i may or may not be on as frequently as i usually am. not that anyone cares just lettin ya know! lol

Request for....

Someone asked me to do a little review on Tosh.0..... God knows why, but whatever lol.

Daniel Tosh's show is cheap comedy, but somehow good comedy. thats what i think. now heres the persons question.

"Do you think Daniel Tosh is secretly in this website signed up?"

Highly likely. As known from his twitter messages he seems to be a big gamer. Emphasis on "Gay"mer.

Shadows Game Time!

Any blog of mine with the topic "Shadows Game Time!" will be discussing a certain game. (Wii only for my own reasons) If you have a wii game request PM me and i will review them and, at random, will put them in an edition of Shadows Game Time. Thanks :)

New Here

Hey guys whats goin on. Well im new to gamespot. I only do reviews on Wii games because...well i only have a Wii. Well just wanted to make sure some peepz new about me. PEace out Shadow
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