F-15 Pilot: Sir, pull up! You've got one on your tail. President: Get him off my tail! F-15 Pilot: Missile away. Air Force One. Break left and climb! Major:Sir, we've lost countermeasures. F-15 Pilot: This is Halo-2. They've lost countermeasures. I'm going in. [takes the missile]
Im not giving the names otherwise it might give away the movie
If you had a laptop you could hook it up too a projector and have a even bigger screen, but i guess you could do the same with a Desktop too. It doesnt really matter i guess.
i like pc gaming its fun and all. but thats the problem with it you spend like 400$ trying to get it too play one game then another one comes out then you gotta do it all over again. its like you need five computers to play all the games. im not against pc gaming i have a few myself. but i do prefer consoles though. but i am not agasint it!!!!
what does this count as? its not a laptop or a pc? its cool though. i dont think youll be able to click on it cause im new with the message board stuff so youll have to copy and paste. so have fun with that. oh yeah youll have to also look around i have set right on the home page of it.
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