Very nice. What is that thing at the bottom though?what the object dock¿ Aye. What object dock is it? And is it free?well it came with the alien ware theme which is a free download from their site. where dis you get the awesome wallpaper..? i googled abstract wallpapers and went to the links near the bottom and had to go through a few pages of art. dude, I just put the darkstar skin on. that thing is pimp nasty.
Half the existance of the internet is porn.. what do you think most people will answer?
half???????? i think you mean 80%. The Porn industry created the internet and keeps it alive......... sad but true. I heard on the TV that less than 1% of the internet is actually porn....
Very nice. What is that thing at the bottom though?what the object dock¿ Aye. What object dock is it? And is it free?well it came with the alien ware theme which is a free download from their site. where dis you get the awesome wallpaper..?
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