young Ocelot from snake eater! damn he was awesome! wish you could've played as him!
ShangTsung17's forum posts
no new game + so not that good... seriously why is it so hard for game designers to add this feature nowadays??? even when games do have it, its a DLC.
does the first one got anything on the second? seriously cuz i luv the second.. is this worth getting?
honestly i'd luv to see another, but i dought we ever will.. gabe was the unltimate badass back in the day and i still drag out my ps2 every once in awhile just to play the ps1 syphon filter games. but after the 2nd one they just went down hill.. its pretty much a dead series now..
agree 100% exactely. on top of making games seem like you're buying it for just one portion, it just destroy's great series. even bioshock is getting this treatment and its sad.I don't hate it, I simply rarely ever play it. That being said, once a game includes multiplayer I find it hard for me to shed 60 bucks knowing I'll be playing a portion of it. Whether it's good or not, I simply don't find myself buying such said game day 1 mainly because of multiplayer. Obvious example would be Assassin's Creed, it was a title which I loved and loved the idea that it's single player only. Needless to say I haven't bought Brotherhood yet and I doubt I will, same thing would happen to Revelations as well. So I might as well just give up the series by itself.
Amazon has them from 30-36 new. I know at the store they are kinda really high at like 55 though. Still with Sony you know you are getting an HQ controller and it has blu tooth and rechargeable batteries which in the long run will probably save money.Kurushioyea that is true i guess.. i've got a few ps3 controllers that have been slung across the room more times than i can count and they still work perfectly, hell my first one i got with my system is taped together and still works likes new, these things are tough! lol
seriously??? what kinda crack are u on? man i hate stupid little morons like u, all u losers do is encourage game designers to keep ruining video games by forcing multiplayer on everybody... turds like u are the reason games suck nowadays. what an idiot...[QUOTE="lotusclown"]
[QUOTE="hkymike"]I LOVE MP! I play both single player and multiplayer but MP is so much funner then single player Demonjoe93
Wow, you mad?
i'm for real dude calm down... i mean i see you're point but why get so worked up? i don't like the mp fanboys either but everyone has a right to they're opinion, yes its frusterating when those who are obsessed with mp give they're rants to ensure company's will keep forcing it down everyones throat but theres nothing you can do about it so why waste you're time cursing at someone in a forum who's probally not even reading you're post anyway and eventually piss off a mod and get banned???dude there are tons online, what i miss are other stores you can actually go to as in *walk in* and look thru used game bins, these stores have almost gone obsolite and far as i know gamestop is the only one that still does it, there used to be store's called planet games that would even mod you're systems but they went out of business ages ago after they had some copy right fued with sony and microsoft. i miss those days.
i've been wondering this since the ps2 days. why is it that the controllers are often more expensive than even the games themselfs? they don't even come with the cords, u gotta buy those seperate, ps2 was guilty of over charging on controllers too back in the day... seriously why do they cost so much??? anyone else irritated by this?
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