I like FPS... But I don't think I could get used to the zapper. It would probably cause more of a problem than it is worth. Plus, the Wii doesnt have THAT many FPS to really need a zapper. Unless you are a hardcore gamer with no life what-so-ever... But, other than that... Eh. I wont get it. Unless I find on cheap. Maybe. I am pretty good with the Wii controller itself for FPS. Ok, so I have missed a few shots. But no to the point where I am gonna spend $30- $40 just for another acessorie that doesnt even come with another Wii-mote. That's my opinion. :D
I was playing my Wii a little while ago...I got to thinking (woah), there are alot of good games, just on other systems. Example, Okami for the PS2. That would be a PERFECT game for the Wii. For those who have no played Okami, it is a game where you 'paint' your way through the game. Final Fantasy for PS2 and 360. Why not the Wii? Sheesh! It seems as if some creators are racist against the Wii....
What are some games you think would be great on the Wii that are on other systems?
Super Mario Galaxy Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution (Fave #1) Resident Evil 4 (Fave #2) Elebits Super Paper Mario Zelda: Twilight Princess Wii Play Metroid Prime 3 Pokemon Battle Revolution Mario Party 8 Red Steel Wario Ware Rayman Raving Rabids 2 Carnival Games Trauma Center Second Opinion Sonic and The Secret Rings Guitar Hero 3
That's all I can think of from about 30 or so games...
Yea seems lie Nibris should have it in shape for a March 08 release, Nibris needs a publiher and I believe they have one. The game looks amazing to me, it has from the start, this was a main reason I picked up Wii.A7Xfan
Oneof the countless reasons why I bought a Wii, too.
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