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Anime review: NINJA SCROLL

NOTE: I have watched this movie before countless times (uncut and edited). I just watched it again yesterday on the Sci fi channel and I have to say that they cut A LOT of things, I based my review on the movie. now on to mah review :oOverview:this movie is among the most highly praised anime movies ever, along with Ghost in the shell and Akira. The movie was released on 1993 5,June in Japan and had a western release on 1996 6, December. It is based on traditional Japanese Legends and myths along with tributes to some Japanese Samurai (The main character Jubei Kibagami, is based on Japanese folk hero Yagyu Jubei). It is based around a Samurai hero who gets involved with a disgraced ninja warrior and a mysterious old man in their battle against the 8 Devils.

Characters: This movie has a hit and miss character development.The Kunoichi, Kagero, to me seems to be the best character out of everyone. In one scene of the movie she gets raped by a Stone devil, but after she gets saved she shows absolutely no emotion, but when she's all alone she breaks down into tears. That's one example of great characters in the movie (although the gay Yagura is a completely different matter), the main characters seems to me like a typical generic hero (but at least he isn't a whiny b*tch like most heroes in anime) his back story seems extremely bland and predictable (a hero who has a mysterious past yada yada). But I do have to praise the characters who stay true to their mythical roles, all of the devil are,of course, a bunch of evil mofos, and the wise sage is full of surprises. I'll give the characters

-8 out of 10

Sound: to me the voice acting and sound effects are nearly perfect. Everything from the fire crackling, to the wood breaking and the water fall splashing sounds amazing and ,if I didn't know better, realistic to the smallest pitch. All the voice actors do an amazing job although Jubei's voice seems to be done with out much emotion. I'll give sound an

-9 out of 10

Story: The story covers everything you would need to know about, there's no "what the hell is this guys story" or "why is Jubei killing that jackass". The story seems to be strongly influenced by Japanese mythology considering there's creature such as the "Stone Golem" and the "Blind Assassin". I do feel though that they could have made us care more about the main characters, all I felt during the movie was "KILL THAT DUMBASS!!!!" and such. The movie fills in where it is weak in story by replacing it with kickass action :x I'll give Story a

-7.5 out of 10

Action: I mentioned in the story portion about "Ninja Scroll" filling in where it lacks in story by giving us action. The action in the movie is non-stop, every 5 minutes there's always something going on, whether it is a fight or the main characters finding a way TO fight the action never stops. About what you'd expect from the anime that invented the famous"samurai fighting in a bamboo forest" scene . I'll give action a

-10 out of 10

Animation: Although made in the early 90's Ninja scroll succeeds in where most modern animes fail. The animation always goes fluently and beautifully, all the gore is extreme and flashy. There's really not much I can say about this other than I give the Animation a

-9 out of 10

Overall: This anime movie is a legend for a reason, it has more complexity than most animes could ever dream of. Here and there it has it's faults but it might mostly be do to the fact that it is more than a decade old. I give Ninja Scroll a

Final score:8 out of 10

Ninja Shinigami chronicles, chapter 1

I'm planning to do a series of Chapters about some of the characters I invented in Unions here and there-the characters are Rditz, he specialices in Earth and water jutsu and weiliding his Claymore Zanpalu-to, Ichimaru-his powers are unknown, Asch-he uses a claw Zanpaku-to and fire jutsu, Zui-he's a little fox who uses his smarts, More characters will be added later


(the 4 man team has decided to strike the earth village, they have confirmed that the earth village plans to strike all of the neighboring countries in order to get their scrolls)

Ichimaru *talking into his cellphone*: I'm in, where do I go know?

Zui: You'll be passing a crossroads 3/4 of a mile ahead, there you'll need to take a left and head towards the center of the village

(The 4 man team has disguised Ichimaru and asch as traveling salesman, Ichimaru is driving a cart full of explosives while asch is on a coach, they are planning to cause a distraction so that Raditz will be able to kill the Terrakage)

Asch(talking to Zui with his cellphone): why the hell do I end up driving the stupid donkey!!!! It smells....

Zui:you're the one who decided it was too much work walking around with that cart, so we gave you the easier job

Asch: *sigh* fine, fine no need to act like my where do I go?

(Asch was in the middle of town with his donkey and his "supplies")

Zui: You'll have to wait there until Ichimaru gets there, you'll also need to asses the situation and kill all of the guards there without being caught


Zui: I don't know, use your jutsu or something

Asch: fine, fine *sigh*

*Asch clicks off the cellphone*

Asch: (muttering) that bastard fox, bossing me around like I'm his slave

(Mean while Ichimaru has been stopped by some guards at the towns entrance, they stopped him to look at his supplies)

Guard #1: STOP!!! What do you have in there!?

Ichimaru: I cream

Guard#2: we'll need to check your "ice cream" then...

*They got closer and looked inside the cart, there really was ice cream in there*

Guard #1: well I'll be, he really does have ice cream!!!

Ichimaru: I told you, now will you let me pass?

Gurad #2: fine, you may go inside

(after getting a good distance away he dissolved the genjutsu he put the guards under)

Ichimaru: that was close, I would have had to kill them if they wanted to "taste" the ice cream...

(meanwhile Asch has killed all of the guards in the center of town)

Asch: now where do I hide the bodies?

*Asch found a sewer hole in the middle of the street, he dumped the corpses in there*

Asch: now to wait for that slow ass ichimaru...

*2 hours later Asch has fallen asleep, Ichimaru approached him with the cart and holding ice cream*

Asch: ZZZZZZ....

Ichimaru: wake up asch I brought you the cart

*Asch wakes up with a jolt and accidentaly falls off his chair*

Asch:...ow...took you long enough, what have you been doing!!!

Ichimaru: well I dropped by a store and bought Doritos and soda, I was really hungry while I was getting here. And look (Ichimaru pulls out a bag of Doritos) I bought some for you too

*Asch stares at Ichimaru with disbelief*

Asch: that's...what you've been doing...*sigh*

Me: TO BE CONTINUED!!! Will Raditz kill the Terrakage, will ichimaru stop being side tracked? will Asch enjoy the Doritos? Stay tuned for the next episode to find out!!!!

Leaving the Naruto Union

I just don't really care about Naruto anymore, so I don't need to go to the naruto union:P

it's been fun guys but I since both the anime AND the manga have been crap lately I'll just go to Bleach, Laterz

PS: I'll still drop by once or twice a month to say hi

My Top 10 Games...EVER!!!! :x

These are only the top ten games that I have beat 1 or more times and have done every possiblemission/event possible fore human beings (and some known to Narwhals)so no bias Yay! :D

#10probably my favorite 3d fighter yosh, I played this game for months non stop just trying to perfect King's moves. If only I could play it online I would rank this in my top 3...*sigh

#9 WOOT for lawyer games! altough not high on action it is still very enjoyable (this is from a guy who likes mostly violent game :P) I was in love with the game since the first time I played the first case. There definetly needs to be more games that break the mold like Phoenix wright

#8 phoenix flower jutsu!!! :x I don't think I need to explain myself here, this game is just plain frickin awesome!!!!

#7 the only shotter you'll see here... Nintendo has done it again, this game just f-ing rox, I never was a fan of shooters but this game is probably the only one I'll ever truly enjoy so it holds a place in my heart

#6 GO ROY FANS!!!! :x the only game other than Metroid and Zelda that I own on my gamecube, it's also one of my faves because of the sheer amount of fun this game delivers. It may not be realistic and as complex as other fighting games but SSBM is probably one of the best

#5 Swords, swords and more swords :P a unique game considering that most fighting games you use punches and kicks but Soul Calibur makes up for it's weirdness by being hard core! This game got me hooked to sword/fighting games. It's basicly the same ****as Tekken except that you attack virticaly and horizontaly instead of moving each of your limbs individualy. (Cervates is Best end of story)

*I couldn't find a decent pic sorry :( *

#4 FFXII is so better than X :roll: finaly a FF I can enjoy without the monotonous turns! though I do miss them somewhat. Most people criticize the game for being to diffrent from the previous instalments, but I think they're taking a step in the right direction. And also I placed it high because I dosen't have a sickening love story, YAY!!!!

#3 WOOT Bleach! I really like this game not only because I play nearly every day since I got but because it's soo good! I can't wait for the sequel that has 15 more characters! :x

#2 "I am Jade, the Necromancer!!!" another great game, not only do I love it because it's low bidget and yet awesome but because the story is better than most of the animes I've seen. About what I expected from the amazing team that did Tales of Symphonia

#1 TADA IT'S.... FINAL FANTASY 4!!!!!! my favorite game of all time, not only because it's the first game I ever played but because the characters are so amazing. I have every single version of the game available. I loves it!!!!

and that's it, the end! go away I need to go play Final fantasy 4! :x yosh

Moving on...

Now that I've watched all of the current Naruto manga chapters and episodes I'm starting to get a little bored. here's all of the current status of the animes I'm currently watching

Naruto anime= caught uo, manga=caught up

One piece anime=I need to watcht about 30 more eps Manga=caught up

Bleach=episode 110 manga=haven't started :P

For a while now I might not be so active because I'm gonna try to watch Bleach from now on, maybe I might read the manga but other than that no more Naruto for me :P

have a happy new years everyone :o yosh

Rise of the Pirate King!!!!!!

That's right, I ve been watching One piece of late and I have to say it's an awesome anime! (dosen't compare to Naruto of course)

Since I have a limited amount of time to watch anime I've decided to only watch 3 shows (Naruto, Bleach and One piece). I know some of you will critisize me because I choose the 3 most famous animes of all time (except for DBZ), but the thing is that they're famous for a reason. I'm tired of people saying that One piece sucks because of the lame ass story, but ever since Funimation has been doing the English dubbing the number of One piece viewers is on the rise one day soon you'll see One piece fans to be respected as much as Naruto and Bleach fans!!! :wink:

The unpassable obstacle...

My parrents said that if I get a 3.5 GPA at the end of the school year I'll be able to get X-Box live. but the problem is that the highest I've gotten is 3.4 hopefully I'll get it sonner or later, but for now I'll practice fraggin my cousin in Ghost Recon!
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