It turns out I have Walking pnuemonia. It really sucs cause my birth day is tomarrow
I bought metroede pinball the other day. I beet it in like 45 minz. so who ever JPT is ...... i OWNED YOUR HIGGHSCORES!!!!!!!!!!
I also bought Naruto Ninja counsil 3. Its good but Im stuck on that 100-man spar thing. ITS SOOOOOOOO Anoying
With my weard fevers and stuff I halvent been getting to much sleep and murm(for all who dont know shes a girl me and my buds hang with at sckool) called me like 2:00 in the mornig. So I was talking to her and her freind, whos name was like Jackalope or somthin for like an hour. So thin I just lade there trying to go to sleep till it was time to get up.
no, entity0 your not my enemy enless you want to be.
well thats the longest blog post Ive ever wrote
heres a compumentary vid by b_dinosaur were are @**hole frend fell of his scootter
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