Let me just say that if you are not into the Tarantino style of violence with blood this will not be your type of movie. I saw this on Thanksgiving day and am going to see it again simply cause its so good. My girlfriend is a big asian action/horror fan and she enjoys Tokyo Shock videos which once again if you don't know the genre is a very violent and bloody over the top type of film so she has gotten me into this type of genre of film.
The trailers for this movie do not give it justice, its so filled with well placed action and gore that I couldn't help smile for around a hour after I saw the film. Its like a live action movie of Afro Samurai with the way the violence is.
Simply put if you want to see one of the best action flicks of the year or want to take your girlfriend to a movie which will make her hug your shoulder go see this.
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