Here is the only thing the game needs to be good and kill halo once and for all: eliminate the fucking 5 sec regenerating health from COD, splitscreen options and the use of vehicles during multiplayer.
EA games will be 90 bucks plus 20 bucks of online pass plus 30 bucks of each DLC.... then, after 6 months the servers of those games will go offline. **** U EA
Similar to killzone 3 multiplayer trial. They are trying to experiment the FTP model on ps3 games to use the model on ps4. Many guys can say that 20 bucks are nothing for buying the game new, but IT IS something, and it becomes something greater when you buy one game after another. With FTP models in pc games, many companies have multiplied their profits, just like it happened with dungeons and dragons online or LOTR online.
The main problem with assassins creed series since ACII is the same problem of call of duty games: They release TOO many games, one each year. They are concentrating of quantity rather than quality. ACII was the major improvement of the series because they waited 2 years instead of 1 and thus they gave more effort developing the game. The games are never polished because publishers are always rushing developers to release the game and suck money from fans. They give some improvements but they never fix bugs and clipping issues (those even got worse), or they use the same engine, etc.
This is the main reason why many series are popular and yet not as good as zelda, metal gear or uncharted. Publishers and marketing have the fault here. Once you see a series are releasing games each year or so, you know the series are already destroyed.
Sheik2's comments