Yeah lets see it when AE comes out! I'm sure he'll still be a very good player, but he'll lose that really stupid dive kick pressure. jks22112Yeah, just wanted to agree about that, and emphasize the part where it's really stupid. Seriously, if anyone here hasn't realized it yet, those dive kicks ARE way too good. All I could think about when I watched A. Sensei's vid was how sick his execution is, but how good his pressure would be without an obviously overpowered weapon. Can't wait to find out, though. I'm sure he'll still bea wrecking machine.
ShenlongBo's forum posts
Yeah, I'd have just increased the charge time for his specials a little bit, and that's it. Oh well. GEN BUFFS!The Guile nerfs suck so much. Ican understand the flashkick nerf to some degree but decreaseSonic Hurricane damage anddecrease meter gain from Sonic Booms?Sonic Hurricane already didbarely enough damageon itsown and when you comboed into it, it did crap damage.We aren't going to get Vanilla Guile but we'll get the equivalent of castrated Sagat from Super.
I would because I know if there was a SSF4 AE machine out here, I'd probably pump well more than that into it anyway.I'm guessing this will be DLC, right?
I don't think I'd pay another $30-40 for a disc-based retail just for Oni Akuma, Evil Ryu, and the twins.
Yeah, that was just a Super cancel... a ridiculousy strong one, but just an ordinary SC otherwise. To do it, hold all three kicks down while charging down/back. Release the kicks, and as soon as the TAP hits, input the Super with the quickness (so, from d/b, go forward, back, forward + P). The TAP will connect, and Balrog will jump right into the Super, letting all the moves connect as a combo.Hey, got a question for the pros in here that are better than me (DC, Shen, Ravirr, JKS, etc).
Watch this video. I don't know if you have seen it already or not, but I won't spoil the surprise finish either way.After seeing it - can anyone explain to me how that finish happened? I'm baffled by it!
The longer you hold the kicks, the more damage the TAP will do, up to a certain point. Poongko maxed it out, cancelled into the Super, and ruined the Sim player's day. Looked rad, but also like something that would be tricky for most people to learn to do consistently.
There's a badass Balrog player out there called JSMaster who beat Daigo, Mago, Air, JWong, and I think a few others at the recent Canada Cup (he reverse-OCV'd the Japanese team...). He was punishing mid-range fireballs with Super like it was auto-pilot, so it's not impossible for people to start abusing the TAP Super Cancel... I don't necessarily expect to see it often, though.
Heh, wow, Gouken got everything he needed. The minor "nerf" to the backthrow is irrelevant with better normals and wake-up. He's gonna have a following after this, I'm sure.
The other character nerfs were pretty much stupid across the board. They ranged from kind of unfair (Rose's U2... as though it's actually that good...), to pretty pointless (Honda's lp headbutt can't AA? Okay, so use EX... thanks, though, jerks!). Eh, things will still be fine.
Yeah, Rufus is lame even though he's so rushdown intensive. Boo...A lot of play on the 360.
And shout out to Jozhear, good vega, and a regular on the game faqs board put up some good matches against diago and jwong.
edit :
anyone else finding rufus matches incredibly(am I spelling this right after an entire day of studying my brain is fried) boring?
WOOOOOWWWW! Props to Brian AKA "Riceta" for that performance with Blanka against Daigo! Couldn't hold on to get the win, but still just gave all the Blanka players some new things to work on!
Go watch Canada Cup if you can, guys. Thanks for the link!
Also @ Kreatzion: I should have added "gg" to the message from earlier, but I was being a salty ***** from having my ass handed to me. Very nice moves yesterday, buddy, I was proud to call myself a friend of yours. I don't usually get housed like that. It really aggravated me that the connection went to **** when it did because I felt like I was finally hitting my stride. Ah well. You're a beast, homey.
But I'm ****ing you up next session ;)
lmao! Don't worry about it bro. It happens to the best of us.I have no idea about the connection. For about the first 20 minutes, we're smooth and then it just drops right after that. I don't know why.
My Guile has been improving a lot. Still need to get the links down pat. I can do them most of the time but just lately I've been off. I attribute that to not practicing as much as I'd like. My T. Hawk was doing suprisingly well when normally it doesn't. I might consider throwing him to the roster if I like the changes he gets in Arcade Edition. My Dhalsim has been falling off and I'm considering dropping him completely. My Sagat is so-so. I'll continue to train up with him. I need to work on my zoning and anti air game with him.
Your Cody is real good. I'm loving the links you pull off. Your Gen is still ass lol!
OH NOE U DIH-ENT! MAH GEN IS SAVAGE! I's just having an off day =/Oh man, you're dead! Hahahaaa! I'm calling it now. Ya'll be prepared for some vids of me ripping Kreatzion's head off as GEN!
...or I'll lose. In which case... can't promise replays.
Also @ Kreatzion: I should have added "gg" to the message from earlier, but I was being a salty ***** from having my ass handed to me. Very nice moves yesterday, buddy, I was proud to call myself a friend of yours. I don't usually get housed like that. It really aggravated me that the connection went to **** when it did because I felt like I was finally hitting my stride. Ah well. You're a beast, homey.
But I'm ****ing you up next session ;)
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