Quick notes real... uh... quick.
So far, I haven't had all that much time to dig in, but the time I did spend with Gen was cool. I just took him into arcade mode, and then took him back through his first 8 or so trials. I find it's better for me to learn a character "organically" before I learn the supposed "right" and "wrong" things with them. This helps me to have that control over the character I need to start playing them like an instrument later on down the line. That'll be especially important with a character like Gen, as I will want to have a visceral sense for what moves are available to me at what times, how, when, and why to change stances, and so on. I haven't been able to figure out how to cancel s.mk into hands, for some reason, but if I don't figure it out on my own, there's always SRK.
This is the last weekend before the tournament I'm hosting, so I'll be spending today, and probably a lot of tomorrow, passing out fliers, assembling my tournament directors, and coordinating with Hastings on some last-minute logistics. I also have my kids this weekend, so that might slow my SFIV time down, if not squash it out entirely. They may hang out with the neighbors, though, so if they do that, I'll get on tonight for some practice and teh hyp3.
I think, at the very least, I'll post up a video blog tomorrow just to start chronicling the project. If possible, I want to get on with you guys and get some beginning-of-the-month footage that we can compare with end-of-the-month footage.
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