The way that a lot of the community is reacting to this just shows me how petty, salty, childish and spiteful the modern gaming community has become. Had something like this had been announced pre-early 2000's gamers would be dancing in the streets. Fanboyism, like sexism and racism is just another blight tarnishing gaming's image. Sure there was still healthy competition between consoles back then but it hadn't turned their respectives communities into cancer like it has today.
Also even if this thing does happen (hopefully it will) that doesn't mean you'll see Halo on Playstation, Smash Bros on Xbox and Uncharted on Wii U. More than likely it'll mean that multiplat games CoD, Battlefield etc won't have console specific servers anymore. I don't see any company giving up their major IPs to make this happen.
@saintyamato: It's all about the optimization. From what I hear the PC version is poorly optimized and thus requires a lot of resources to run. More than it really should. World of Tanks is in a similar situation. The game really isn't that amazing looking but since it's so poorly optimized it takes a fairly strong computer to run at max settings. While the Xbox One version manages to look nearly identical on inferior hardware simply because the console dev team actually bothered to optimize the game's engine.
All that bouncing and sliding around is making me miss retro shooters like UT and Tribes. It's funny, shooters have moved to bouncy shoes and low gravity to gritty realism and then back to bouncy shoes. lol
The Ubisoft titles were much better when it came to freedom, RPG elements and side activities. It completely recreated the Leaf village and surrounding countryside in an Assassin's Creed style open world and even had tree hopping. But it seriously lacked the cinematic and graphical appeal of the Storm series. Not to mention it's fighting system was somehow even more basic than the one in this game.
It sucks that they can never get a Naruto game just quite right.
The open world from Ubisoft games, the cinematic flair of the Namco games and a deeper fighting system all rolled into one would make a great game.
Well my copy did get stolen and I still haven't finished it solo on legendary like Reach and 4. So why not?
I usually don't even actually download these games. I just start the download and then cancel it so I have the game permanently linked to my account. Waiting for me to finally get around to it some time in the future.
Speaking of old school shooters anyone remember when Turok was a big deal? I miss those days. But then it basically killed itself with 3 and Evolution .
I know they released one back in 08 but they completely abandoned the established mythos to make it a generic space marine fps. Despite that it wasn't "as bad" as it was mad out to be. There were a few interesting ideas in it. Like having hostile wildlife (Dinosaurs or giant bugs) to contend with in the middle of a multiplayer match.
I still remember one instant where I had come across a player on the opposing team being mauled by a raptor in a concrete drainage ditch. He was obviously failing the quick time event. So I shot it off of him and I remember him getting up and the 5-6 second stare of approval before he turned around and ran off. Of course I shot him in the back when he was facing the other way. lol it was team deathmatch...
But no Link means that I'm going to have to find a new character to use during weapon master . And most of my best characters aren't in this our aren't playable in the campaign. No Siegfried or Rock and Lizardman is unavailable outside of versus.
Shika_Stoner's comments