As great as that is, I'd guess it's shipping a week early and it'll be streetdated.MGS4 may come out 6 days earlier, EB has the special edition releasing on 6/6/09. So far the normal edition is the old date. OMG please come out sooner!
Shim_Sham's forum posts
From Kotaku. They say it's actually real now, after thinking it was a fake.
It's a bluetooth headset by the way.
I have absolutely no confidence in EA after NASCAR 08. It was one of the worst racers I've played, and it wasn't but a few years ago that they had some pretty great NASCAR games on the PS2/Xbox.
I'll download the demo of 09, but I'm not expecting much. All 08 brought was an AI that would bump draft on ANY track and at any point in the track, including turns.
So yesterday I was looking at my giant shelf full of games and things that's just been a collection space for years and years. And then I realized that I haven't touched my DS, nor many of the games for quite a while. Noticed the same thing with several PS2 and GC games.
So I traded a ton of them in. (hung on to some old favorites like Phoenix Wright, Trauma Center and others) Got $180.
And then I bought a Metal Gear Solid 4 Playing Machine (PS3)
It's pretty sexy, I won't lie.
Subsistence LE came in two regular sized DVD cases. One 2-disc case, and then the cinematic disc in a separate case.
But try using Legal Sized paper for longer covers. You can find it anywhere you find copy paper.
Subsistence came in two regular sized DVD cases.
But try using Legal Sized paper for longer covers. You can find it anywhere you find copy paper.
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