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Shinobi-Neo Blog

Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturn

I love this but can´t buy it!!!!>_< cause we don´t have it already in Germany!! Maybe it will never come!! Guess have to buy it per ebay or something...i want to ask all who have this game, is it really good? I heard there are a lot of secrets, it´s mistirious and the battles can be very strenuous. (but the soundtrack is so cool!!!)

Devil May Cry 3

This game is really great, that was what i thought as i played it, but my parents don´t like it. Cause the optic of the game isn´t so good. I can´t say they the optic is perfect, i played FF 8,9, X and X-2, compared with those games the optic is not so great. But I think that the fights, weapons, charas and enemies are very cool that´s more important than graphic.