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ShinyBlackSheep Blog

Reflecting on the past week... (TGIF for sure)

It's Friday. The end of the week. The end of an absolutely terrible week. When I have a bad stretch like this, I like to reflect on what went wrong, and make changes to myself and my life so I don't fall into the same ruts again if possible.

Causes of my bad week:

#1 - Too much travel in a short period of time. It was bound to catch up to me sooner or later and it finally did in a huge way.

Solution: Stop traveling. That sounds easy enough. I'll give it a try and see how it goes.

#2 - Procrastination at work. Yeah, I put some stuff off because I though I'd have plenty of time to do it all. My project has been in a state of limbo since I started working here back in June so I've been doing whatever I could think of just to stay busy. I guess I should have been a little more focused on getting things done.

Solution: Stay on top of things a little better, and avoid distractions. ( like :cry: )

#3 - Disorganization. I've let things pile up a bit at home and at work, and I don't function well when I feel like things are out of control.

Solution: Clean up my home office, get rid of a lot of the papers I have a tendency to keep for no good reason, start making lists again to keep myself straight.

#4 - Depression. Depression has plagued me my whole life, and now is no exception. It comes and goes in cycles, and a lot of times is independent of outside factors; however, it can be triggered by overwhelming stress like I've had this past week.

Solution: This is a tricky one. I know some of you are thinking that there are drugs for this sort of thing, but I have a real problem with being dependent on drugs like that. So far I have been able to cope with it on my own by just knowing when it's happening and knowing it will pass. I also let some of the people around me know so they can keep an eye on me when it gets really bad. If I ever get to the point where I feel it is completely out of control, I will think about trying the depression drugs.

#5 - My general resistance to authority. Yeah, I've got issues with this. I don't like being told what to do. Usually if I am told what to do I will do the opposite out of rebellion. Sometimes it's even subconscious. Like if someone is encouraging me to do something I automatically insist on doing the opposite without even realizing what I'm doing.

Solution: Gah! I don't know what the solution is. Just the though of attempting to not be like this makes me rebel against the very idea.

#6 - Cold weather and no sunshine. The lack of sunshine especially has me feeling down. At work I have to go up/down 63 steps in order to see the outside world. It is dreary when I go to work in the morning and pitch dark when I go home. The cold is really getting to me this year. I don't remember it being an issue before, but I am really hating it now. It's even really cold inside where I work so I feel like I can never get warm.

Solution: Not much I can do about the weather or the way the earth is tilted, but I probably should think about buying a warmer coat and maybe a hat and gloves. The sunshine issue is really killing me, but I don't know what to do about it. My schedule is pretty fixed at the moment because I have to take my daughter to school in the morning at a certain time and then work for 9 hours. I am mulling over the idea of cutting back my work hours. I've got to sit down and go through my finances to see if I can manage with less pay first, and then ask at work to see if they will even let me do such.

Last but not least, I got some bad news last night. My grandfather fell and broke his hip and now he's in the hospital. He is in the mid to late stages of Alzheimer's where he is just about as far out in left field as he can get, but able to move around and do things. In very late stages, sufferers forget how to walk and talk even, but he's not quite there yet. His mother had Alzheimer's also so my family has been through all of this before.

Alright, that's it for me today. Don't worry, I am fine and I'm feeling much better. Writing all of this out is actually a good stress reliever.

Take care everyone, and enjoy your weekend. TGIF!!!!


Even chocolate was mean to me yesterday...

Yesterday was just about as sucky as they come. I woke up late and not feeling well. My back was aching and I had no energy at all. I would have called in sick except I knew I had some important stuff to take care of at work. So I got the 5-year-old ready and took her to school (late) and then dragged myself into work (late). To me that seemed like the sort of thing a dedicated employee would do. I start doing the stuff I had promised the team lead I would get done that day and next thing I know I am in the middle of an "I'm so disappointed in you" lecture that was audible throughout the entire cubical farm. The really sucky part of it all was that I earned this lecture by forgetting to put file header comments on my files. That's not even executable code and makes absolutely no difference in the way the program runs or is used. I admit, it was mentioned before that I needed to add them and I forgot to do it, but really was it worth all that? And that was just the start of it - I got laid into for everything from file names to not raising my hand to go to the bathroom. I just felt like crawling into a hole and never coming out. Then to top it all off, after I got home from work - at nearly 8PM - I grabbed a hunk of chocolate for lack of any other solutions to the way I felt, and a stupid almond chip got pushed up into my gums and it hurt like hell.

Today has been slightly better. At least I got my daughter to school and made it to work on time. The team lead had another conversation with me this morning but at least it was done in private. I seriously don't mind getting feedback, but for goodness sake do it in private and give me a chance to think things through before attacking.

On a happier note, remember the co-worker I was complaining about a few blogs ago. The guy who likes to have audible phone conversations about how unintelligent his co-workers are. Well, I overheard him telling someone else that Friday is his last day here. Don't let the screen door hit you in the ass on the way out Mr. Smarty Pants.

Speaking of chocolate, I got a Dove chocolate bar this morning and this is what it says on the back...


What in the world does that mean?

The Waitress of Doom

I've got several things I feel like blogging about today, but I'll keep it at just one so it's not too hard to read. And the winner for the blog topic of today is.... The Dumbest Waitress on Earth.

I did go on another long trip this past weekend, but I will not bore you with every single detail like I did for the Saint Augustine trip. Besides, this was just the run of the mill 6 hour drive back home to West Virginia. However, I would like to share the story of a less than brilliant waitress we encountered on the drive back home. I've made this trip so many times it is routine for me. Usually it's just me and the two kids so I have some favorite stops along the way that I tend to stick to. This time my husband was with me and the traffic was horrible Sunday - stop and go pretty much the whole way back. I was planning to stop for dinner at the Bob Evans in Frederick, MD, but because of the heavy traffic (and the three whining passengers) I opted to stop at the Bob Evans in Hagerstown, MD which is about 20 miles sooner. I've had nothing but good experiences at the Frederick Bob Evans so I though "how much different could it be?" Yeah, time for me to stop thinking so much. First I was confronted with an attitude when I asked for 4 different colored crayons instead of two each of the same two colors,  and then came the waitress of doom. It took about 30 seconds for both my husband and I to realize she wasn't playing with a full deck of cards. When she asked for our drink orders we told her water for everyone and I'll have a coffee with regular milk instead of cream. I swear it took her 10 minutes to figure that out and she still charged me for a cup of milk when the check came. Realizing that this gal was severly impaired, I knew I had to compensate as much as possible when it came time to take the food order. Sure enough, I had to make her read it back like they do at Micky D's and she had it wrong. My kids are little and barely eat so I always order a single meal and split it between the two of them. She had a really hard time understanding this concept and was planning to bring two of the same meals for the kids. She also failed to bring an extra plate so both kids would have something to eat off of and didn't even bring plates for the dinner rolls. This wouldn't have been too big of a deal except after sitting our food down she pretty much disappeared for the rest of the meal. We actually ended up asking another waitress for the things we needed. In addition to the looney waitress, the food was horrible. Like I said earlier, I have had nothing but good experiences at the same exact restaurant 20 miles down the road. How in the world could it be so different? I should have taken a picture at her blank stare for you all to see. I hope she never procreates.

Shampoo and Shooting Stars

Time Started: 2:56PM

Name: That's a secret! :D ShinyBlackSheep for now.

Gender: Female.

When showering, do you start the water and then get in or get in and start the water?
I start the water first to let it get extra warm.

Do you read the labels on the shampoo bottle?
Yes, of course. How could I survive without them?

Do you moan in the shower like the people on the herbal essence commercials?
Oh yes!

Have you ever been forced to shower with one of your siblings?
Nope. I used to take baths with my brothers when we were babies, but not showers.

Ever brushed your teeth in the shower?

Have you ever dropped your soap on your foot?
Yes. There are very few things that I haven't dropped on my foot.

How old do you look?
I'm gonna go with 29 although I could probably pass for a little younger.

How old do you act?
Do you have to ask that? Umm, 17ish.

What's the last song you heard/sang?
Plumb - In my Arms

Have you recently become a member of anything?
I recently became an aunt. Does that count?

What are your plans for the weekend?
Going to WV to see my family, again.

What is your mood at the moment?
Anxious to get things done before leaving for the weekend.

Have you ever ridden a mechanical bull?
No. I'd like to try though.

Do you ever intentionally vomit after drinking?
No, vomiting is really traumatic for me. Once I got sick and vomitted several times then the next day the blood vessels in my eyeballs and face had burst. I looked like a monster for days. I don't drink either.

If you were working on a pirate ship, what would you most likely be?
I would be in charge of organizing the ship and making sure all of the ropes were wound up properly.

Have you ever called anyone a slut?
Probably, I don't really recall.

Has anyone ever called you a slut?
I've been called everything in the book.

Have you ever smuggled something into Canada?
No, I've only been there once and I was a kid at the time.

Does playing a guitar make someone more attractive?
Having a talent makes someone more attractive so I will say yes, if he/she does it well.

Do you live in a city with a good sports team?
Haha, no. We don't even have a good movie theatre where I live.

Have you ever finished off the popcorn?
The question should be.. have you ever NOT finished off the popcorn. :D

Have you ever turned someone down for a date?

Who's your favourite superhero?
Aang :)

Do you have more enemies or more friends?
I hope I have more friends. I can't think of any true 'enemies'.

Have you ever sent an anonymous letter?
Yeah, back when I was a kid.

Can you fix your own car?
Yup. Unless it's something major, but I really don't have much time for stuff like that these days.

Are you smarter than your friends?
No, I only hang out with smart people, and we are all of equal intelligence.

Have you ever been to jail?
No, well I've been to a jail, but not incarcerated.

Last thing you bought over 50 dollars?
A vacuum cleaner.

Do you like the smell of beer?
No. I guess I like the smell of the ingredients, but not the finished product.

Have you ever died or killed someone in a dream?
Yes and yes. :evil:

Have you ever given to charity?
Yes, but I'm very picky with who I help out.

Would you kill a dog for $1000?
It depends. If it were dying and in a lot of pain I would. If it's someone's pet and healthy then no way.

Do you live with your parents?
No, but my husband's parents live with me.

Do you have plans for your future?
Sorta, nothing real solid at the moment for the long term though.

You are:
[ ] under 5'0
[ ] 5'0"-5'5"
[X] 5'5"-5.6"
[ ] 5'6.5 - 5'7 ''
[ ] 5'7" - 6'0
[ ] tall (6.1 and up)

[X] blonde
[ ] redhead
[ ] brunette
[ ] dirty blonde
[ ] brownish
[ ] dark brown
[ ] black
[ ] red/light brown
[ ] don't Know, dyed Too Much

[ ] blue-eyed
[ ] brown-eyed
[ ] black-eyed
[ ] green-eyed
[ ] hazel-eyed
[ ] gold/gray-eyed
[ ] silver/gray- eyed
[ ]blue/green/brown-eyed
[X] blue/gray-eyed
[ ] green/gray-eyed
[ ]they change colours
[ ] amber

[ ] medium hair - but really: that changes all the time!
[X] long hair
[ ] short hair

Your personality is sometimes...
[X] talkative
[X] shy
[X] funny
[X] serious
[X] laid back
[ ] strict
[X] hyper
[X] sarcastic
[X] I have multiple personalities - because I am all of the above: depends on the situation!

Have you ever...
[X] seen a shooting star
[X] joke proposed to anyone
[X] gotten stitches
[X] eaten Sushi
[X] gotten the chicken pox
[X] ridden in a taxi
[ ] been on a cruise ship
[X] driven over 400 miles in one day
[X] been on a plane by yourself
[ ] had surgery
[ ] seen a movie 3 times or more in the theater
[X] been on stage
[X] gotten a black eye
[X] memorized all the dialogue in a movie (like Brian from Family Guy)
[ ] watched an entire baseball game

Do you like...
[X] old movies
[X] musicals
[X] blasting music in your car/or someone else's
[X] foreign foods
[X] Pokemon
[ ] Christmas time
[X] animals
[X] coffee
[X] tea
[X] summer
[X] winter


Two Names You Go By:
ShinyBlackSheep and SBS

Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
Shoes and socks

Two places you would like to go on vacation:
Alaska and Japan

Two favorite animals:
Sheep and turtles.

Two Reasons you're doing this survey:
Becasue I want you to like me and to fill up a blog.

Spell your name without vowels:

What colour(s) do you wear most often?
Pink, green, blue, red, black.

Last song heard on the radio?
Beck - Timebomb

Are you missing someone right now?
My kiddos.

How do you make money?
I work as a Software Engineer.

Last thing you bought?
A salad.

How's the weather?
I dunno, I can't see the outside world.

When do you start summer break?

What should you be doing right now?
Working. :D

How many beds did you lay in yesterday?
Just mine.

Name one thing that you do everyday?
Brush my teeth and wash my face.

What's your favorite sport?
Ping pong. :P

When was the last time you saw your dad?
End of October.

What did you have for dinner last night?
Rice and Okra

What's your favorite Starbucks?
Not a fan of Starbucks.

Recent time you were really upset?
Last Saturday. I was feeling alienated in my own house because there were too many in-laws around.

Best thing in your life right now is?
My kids.

Time Finished: 3:29PM

My Psychotic Trip to Florida - Part V - 'Homecoming'

I realize I have posted these blogs really fast and some of you are having trouble keeping up. I did this because I wanted to tell the whole story but split it into parts so it wouldn't be too long to read. Here are the links for the firstfour parts in case you missed one of them.
Part I - The crazy Lady
Part II - Dazed and Confused
Part III - Sights, Sounds, and Tastes
Part IV - Scooting Around Town
Part V - Homecoming **THIS BLOG**

Knowing I had a long train ride ahead of me, I slept in Monday morning. I left the hotel around 1PM heading back toward the Jacksonville Amtrak station. I stopped on the way fist to eat and then to buy a blanket and some snacks for the train. The rental car company dropped me off at the train station right on time - I had maybe 30 minutes waiting in the station for the train to arrive. Oddly, I met a guy traveling with his 5 year old son who lives maybe a mile or two away from me. Sometimes it really does feel like the world is too small. He was sitting in the seat in front of me on the train and we chatted a bit on the way back and even watched Spiderman 3 on my laptop.

There was also an interesting couple in the seat across the aisle from me. I'm gonna guess that they were in their early 60s and it just happened to be the guy's birthday. They were very caring and considerate toward each other, and seemed to be very much in love even though they had been married for more than 20 years. I know that shouldn't seem odd, but believe me it's a far cry from what I'm used to.

Since I got on the train earlier than on the way down to Florida, I had the option of eating dinner in the dining car. Train food is not the best, but it's not the worst either. I had baked chicken, green beans, and a small salad. It was overpriced, but still it was warm food and something to do for an hour. I sat at a table with the couple I mentioned earlier and got to hear more about their lives which was interesting. Sitting in the seat next to me was a lady who lives in New Jersey and commutes two hours each way to work in New York City. She was actually on the same train that I rode down on Friday (she remembered the crazy lady), but in a different car. Again, small world. Her and I were both heading to work in the morning after an all night train ride. I reached Union Station at 6:30AM, got my bags off the train, and headed for my car. Another nice thing about Amtrak is that they don't really make you check your bags. The one I had wouldn't have been too big for a plane, but I took it with me on the train and saw people with even bigger ones. I was a little worried about leaving my car parked for 4 days in the middle of DC, but it was fine when I got back. The parking cost half as much as the train ticket, but I didn't really have any other options with my schedule being so tight.

Driving my car again felt good. The rental car I had in Florida wasn't very nice, but it got me there. Then 15 minutes into my drive home, my XM Radio goes blank. Of all the times for my subscription to run out, why now?

I tried to call and have it turned back on, but it was too early so they weren't opened yet. :( I had to listed to the staticy radio all the way home. :cry: Is staticy a word? I guess I lived through it though, and I had my XM back up and running by lunchtime. I made a quick stop at my house just to give my 3-year-old a hug and then headed straight to work. Although the train ride back was much, much, much smoother than the one down, I was still feeling pretty sleep deprived by afternoon. I made it through the day though, and slept like a log that night.

Well that's all folks. I hope you enjoyed reading about my psychotic trip to Florida. I guess I'm pretty spontaneous to be able to do all of that with only 2 days advanced notice and on a three day weekend without taking any time off work. So how about you - what is your level of spontaneity? Can you just pick up and go or do you have to plan things out way ahead of time?

My psychotic trip to Florida - Part IV - 'Scooting Around Town'

I realize I have posted these blogs really fast and some of you are having trouble keeping up. I did this because I wanted to tell the whole story but split it into parts so it wouldn't be too long to read. Here are the links for the first three parts in case you missed one of them.
Part I - The crazy Lady
Part II - Dazed and Confused
Part III - Sights, Sounds, and Tastes
Part IV - Scooting Around Town **THIS BLOG**
Part V - Homecoming (coming soon)

So far, I survived until Sunday. Believe it or not, Sunday was the only full day I actually spent in Florida. Again, the weather was awesome - not too hot, not too cold. I could very comfortably wear my favorite red leather jacket. :) Morning started off with breakfast and a drive to where my husband had been working while he was there. Then came the really, really fun stuff. My absolute favorite part of the whole trip, and the most fun I've had in soooo long. We rented scooters!!

It was incredibly fun to ride around the town on scooters all day. I was scared at first because I've never been on a scooter before, but I got the hang of it pretty quickly. I even got to test drive the scooter I have been thinking about buying for several months.

They had it in stock and everything, but I had to walk away because I've already committed to paying for a deck. :( Plus we are going into winter right now so it won't really be useful for several months. Still, I came really, really close to saying wrap it up and ship it. I can be a bit of an impulse buyer, but this time I was good.

Other highlights of the day: (We rode the scooters to all of these places)

  • Having earrings custom made at a bead store to match two of my necklaces. I've been looking for matches forever so this was a great find for me. I do have a teeny tiny obsession with jewelry. :D
  • Eating the best pizza I have ever had in my life at a place called 'Pizza Time'. I swear I would make this trip all over again just to go there for pizza - it was that good. The margharita pizza was superb.
  • Watching fishing charter boats come into the Conch House marina. They were bringing huge fish off of the boats and filleting them right there on the dock.
  • Buying some trinkets to take home to the kiddos. Can't forget them. :D
  • Meeting my hudbands friends and co-workers at 'The Tea Room'. A lovely little open air cafe in the downtown shopping area.
  • Another yummy dinner at Harry's.

All in all it was an incredibly fun yet relaxing day. I had to be forced to return the scooter at the end of the day. :D

My psychotic trip to Florida - Part III - Sights, Smells, and Tastes

The weather was beautiful - 70 degrees, sunny, a nice breeze off the water, and the tour was very informative. It took covered most of the historic sites in Saint Augustine in a little over an hour. Some of the highlights were:
The Century Plant - Supposedly blooms every 100 years and then dies only to regrow again.
The Old Senator - a 600 year old live oak tree fabled to have it's roots in the Fountain of Youth.
All of the Flagler architecture highlighting tons of Tiffany stained glass. Turns out Saint Augustine is where Tiffany got his start.
Magnolia Street:
The Castille:
Really there was just too much interesting stuff to list it all here. I highly recommend taking a tour if you are ever there.

After the tour I met up with my husband back at the hotel - which was much easier to find this time around. From there we drove onto the beach right next to the hotel. I love how you can drive on the beaches in Florida. We walked around for a few minutes and picked up some seashells to take home to the kids. Then we headed off to the downtown shopping area.

This is one of the neatest parts of Saint Augustine. Each shop is unique, and there are no big chain stores. They have every off the wall little boutique you can imagine and then some. One of my favorite shops is a chocolatier called Claude's. We walked around there for a little while and then headed off to a New Orleans sty1e seafood place called Harry'sfor dinner. The food was great - so great that we went back there the next night despite the fact we had hundreds of restaurants to choose from. If you are ever in Saint Augustine, seriously you have got to try Harry's. I was pretty much deliriously tired after dinner. I nearly passed out from exhaustion in the car on the way back to the hotel. I slept like a log that night. One of those sleeps where you wake up the next day and can't remember where you are or how you got there.

Rant Blog (Tiny detour from my trip story)

Okay, the guy in the cube next to me is a total A$$.

I have given him the benefit of the doubt until now because he hasn't done anything directly offensive - even though he has kinda rubbed me the wrong way since he first moved in.

The air conditioning unit on the 3rd floor where our cubes are has been broken for two days and the temperature has been 86-88 degrees the whole time. Normally it is a tiny bit on the cold side up here so most people keep a sweater or jacket handy. There are two stairwells leading up to the 3rd floor and no windows. The stairwells are a good 20 degrees colder than the room is at the moment, and one of them is propped open at all times anyway. I propped the other stairwell door open hoping to get at least the tinyest bit of cooling.

Well, Mr. Know-it-All didn't have the guts to say anything to anyone's face, but he managed to have an audible phone conversation where he detailed the fact that he found the 88 degree heat refreshing, but the 'other folks' were complaining. Also he made a point to say that the 'other folks' don't understand the basic concept of thermodynamics and that propping the stairwell door open would only raise the temperature in the room. Oh, and that opening the door was only making the 'other folks' feel better. I swear I just hate people like that. If you are not going to say anything to our faces then for goodness sakes keep your danm mouth shut.

My Psychotic Trip to Florida - Part II - Dazed and Confused

Let me first clear up why my trip was indeed psychotic. I left work and got on the train at 7:30PM on friday, arrived at 9:30 in the morning Saturday, spent 2 days in Saint Augustine, got back on the train for another 14 hours and then went straight to work from the train station. All of the things that happened on the trip are additions to the craziness of the whole experience. I am back now and overall I had a good time. I won't actually get into the fun stuff until PartIII though so hold tight on these first two. :D


After all of that excitement of the crazy lady, I decided to go ahead and call Avis (the rental car company I had made an online reservation with) to arrange for them to pick me up at the train station. To my surprise, I had no reservation and was told over the phone that Avis doesn't do pick-ups in that area. Mind you I already talked to them when I made the reservation to make sure this was possible and was assured everything would be fine and all I needed to do was call one hour before arriving at the station. I was getting kinda worried at that point so I called Enterprise and they were much more helpful and made a reservation on the spot and gave me the number to call to get picked up. However, the Enterprise office didn't open until 9AM and my train was arriving at 9:15 so there was a bit of a time crunch. Also, when I finally reached them they had no cars. Yeah, a rental car company with no cars. Somehow they managed to locate a car and pick me up complaining the whole time about how they had too many reservations and no cars. Fun thing to listen to after not sleeping the whole night, not eating, and listening to wailing and cursing for hours on end. I also opted to wait until I got off the train before eating breakfast. Had I known how long it was going to be before I had the opportunity to eat I probably would have stomached the prepackaged bagel on the train.

After I got the rental car I headed toward Saint Augustine and then quickly realized I had no idea where I was going. No maps, no directions, nothing. I did have a general idea where the place was in relation to the train station so I made my way to the southbound highway and called my husband who was at work. I am actually very good with directions and can find my way to and from most places without much trouble, but I swear I have never been so lost and confused in my life.Lack of sleep and hunger just compounded the issue. I can pretty assuredly say that my husband and I see the world from a totally different vanatage point. Every time he attempted to give me a direction I got more and more confused and eventually just hung up on him out of frustration. I just can't navigate based on a merry-go-round that I can't find, and he can't navigate base on street names and road numbers. Oh, and I refuse to ask directions which ticks him off to no end. :D So basically it took me forever to find the hotel but I finally did, and it was actually a very nice hotel. Once I took a shower and located an IHOP so I could eat breakfast at 2PM I felt much better. So much better that instead of going back to the hotel and sleeping I decided to ride around on a tour trolley.

I promise it gets better from here. :D