@CivilizedPsycho They can't except the real world and the fact that people are capable of such things. People will buy into to anything that sounds like it will keep there "bubble" stable, no matter the cost. Just remember this Stalin killed many of his supporters or had them sent to the gulag to die.
They will use what every tragedy to further their own agendas and forgetting how to fix the problem. They blame guns and violent media, yet during Columbine the assault weapons ban was in effect. They should have stationed armed guards who are trained to deal with the situation. If cash is the problem think of all the cash wasted on BS research and parties. As for people, your never going to change human nature and sadly there are a few that should not be indulging in "violent fantasy" as it can lead to wanting more.
@PumpkinBoogie Its regulated out the ass on both state and federal. The problem is lack in some cases a full mental check. As for regestration it does not work. Canada stopped it due to lack of crime prevention and a very high upkeep to keep it running.
@PumpkinBoogie You do not know much about guns or the gun laws do you? ALtho the long arms trade laws at gun shows need to be changed. And real assult weapons are highly regulated and not even allowed in most states.
They will use what every tragedy to further their own agendas and forgetting how to fix the problem. They blame guns and violent media, yet during Columbine the assault weapons ban was in effect. They should have stationed armed guards who are trained to deal with the situation. If cash is the problem think of all the cash wasted on BS research and parties.
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