Well you need to send it to Nintendo somehow because they've got a cure specifically for that. I had the same problem when I first got this in March '08. I guess SSBB has a dual layer on it's disc, so if your Wii isn't clean enough, it won't run the game well or it won't play it at all. Maybe just go to Nintendo's website and see if you can send it in that way. If you can't, oh well I guess...
My votes would have to go for SNES, N64, or PS1. SNES is good cause it has A LOT of great games like Super Mario World, Donkey Kong Country, Metroid, MegaMan, Zelda ALTTP, and sooooooo much more. N64 because it introduced so many great classics for the first time ever in the 3rd dimension like Zelda OoT, (personally my favorite game of all time) Mario 64, Banjo Kazooie, Goldeneye 007, and alot more. And last but not least, the PS1 because it had so many great RPGs on it like Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy IX, Final Fantasy Tactics, Chrono Cross, Parisite Eve, and other types of games like like Metal Gear Solid and Tomb Raider and Crash Bandicoot. But seriously, PS1 was the console for RPGs, and I'm sure many people would agree. I would collect for all 3 of these if I were you!
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I'm not that old, I was only four when this game came out but I still played it back then; it was one of the first videogames I've ever played. It's just so epic in every way! The story, the gameplay, all the epicness... My favorite game of all time would have to be this one... I still play it today. I had every version of this game. I had it on N64, and the Gamecube because of the collectors edition to come out, and I now have the one on the Wii's VC. Zelda is my favorite game series of all time, then it's Final Fantasy. I remember playing FF8 when I was five lolz. Second favorite videogame of all time that I also still play on my PS1, and it's not the greatest hits edition either. For some reason I think FF8 is a tad better than FF7, but only a tad.
I wonder why this topic is drifting off into cats. And for the two guys arguing, don't waste your time because no matter what both of you are gonna think the same way, cause I don't think a guy on a forum can convince you to belive anything you don't want to. Like Barack Obama said- "You can disagree without being disagreable".... or something like that. Even though I think appearance matters, and I agree with the father, you can't convince someone to belive something they think is bullcrap...
You wanna know what really grinds my gears? That you got this saying from Family Guy! lolz j/p. What really grinds my gears are those preppy girls who think they should be treated like royalty and that they think they're God's gift to Earth.
I think that the Emo culture is getting bigger all the time. I think Emos have a great sense of style, especially on the girls, but now people are commiting scuicide all around the world because of this trend. I think it's gone way too far. What do you think?
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