Just finished downloading it onto my new computer. It seems to keep immedietly crashing. Same thing happenned before on another computer when I tried playing BFBC2 on a computer after playing it on a TV. I had to manually change the resolution it boots at in the text files. I'm guessing KotOR is trying to boot at something wierd that it can't do. BUT I can't find any program files for it. SO what can I do?
Shogun_Master's forum posts
I just got my new computer working. I installed the Drivers and everything. I have 2 HD Radeon 5830s rightnow and I put both of the bridge things on (Because I saw a picture of someone using both so I did too.). After installing the Video Card drivers it asked about CrossfireX and I said enable it. And yeah... is that it? Or do I have to do something else for it to work?
First time putting a computer toghether. Just finished, turned it on and it makes one long beep followed by 2 short beeps. I googled and supposedly it's a video thing. So I switch to my other Video Card (I'd purchased 2.) and same thing. Then I tried the 2nd Video Card Slot on the Mother Board and same ting. Switched Cards again and nothing changes. Everything else seems to run fine. All the fans are spinning (even on the Video cards.), I can hear the harddrive spinning, The DVD/CD drive lights up and even opens. Just the damn video card won't work. Any idea why?
Mother Board
Video Card
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