I won the game as well, but i distinctly remember it saying 8-10 weeks. I have been entering many codes and won a lot of stuff already, levels 1 and 2 only unfortunately. Im still entering my 3 codes per day, hopefully i get a level 3 aswell.
ShootingPwnage's forum posts
I agree that the gameplay is different, the beta was much better. it seems that everyone now is just running around blindfiring the melee-ing. Its annoying, cant believe they downgraded it imo
Anyone that is going to buy inFAMOUS 2 for the Uncharted 3 beta is a moron. But there are plenty of morons out there... People are spending over 80 bucks for the classic Reptile costume on eBay and Ed Boon has already announced that every classic costume is going to be released via DLC soon.MethodManFTWI guess the beta is appealing to the online multiplayer gamers
uncharted 3 beta starts july 28thtoday is may 30th so it only depends on when the welcome back program starts remember that when the 30 days is over there wont be ps plus for everyone only people that continue to use it. I am allready a ps plus user so i get 2 60 days rather then 30 and i allready have infamous2 preordered not for the beta but for the game so im pretty sure people will only have access to the beta for a few days. also if everyone uses it it might be good for the beta and the release of the game to make sure it can hold up
No, June 28th. After May 29th, the 30 days overlap the release date of the beta
June 28th, everyone can get it since evryone is getting 30 days of PS+Yeah the beta's in July so that won't be the case. BTW, I'm going to get inFAMOUS 2 day one and promised someone else the beta key for Uncharted 3. I just figure that someone who actually enjoys Uncharted should get it. It would be wasted on a fella like me
No, Im pretty sure the beta starts on JUNE 28th, if you have a voucher orare a member of PS+and July if you dont have either.
I had already thought of the possibility that the full restoration of PSN would be after May 28th and thus giving everyone a chance to try the beta upon its release with the free 30 day PS+ subscription. I got me thinking that if it is indeed so that everyone gets the beta early, the vouchers in the copies of Infamous 2 are useless. The beta alone doesn't warrant the purchase of the game, the game itself looks awesome and the beta seemed like an appealing incentive.
Any thoughts? Ive heard some say they would rather wait for the price drop now
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