i couldn't really tell you lol. But hope you can get mass effect somehow lol.
Shootn's forum posts
I am reporting that area 51 does work. First thing you want to do if you download and play is that you need to switch the fire key from enter to the left mouse button lol. Also it is not the best looking game but its also not the very worst game. So hope you guys enjoy area 51.
I think it is a decent game. I wouldn't say the best game but it is a game where you go to bunch of planets and you have a leveling system. Try to watch some videos on youtube of it to get aPicture on what it would be like. I sort of comapre it to halo guns wise. Overheating guns and upgrading guns with certain things to get a tacitacl advantage. But gameplay is other than halo.
i was pretty close and was just going to install all the games over night and try tomorroow to see which ones will work.
That one will work to but i think you might have to pay for some shipping won't you. With like 4+ shipping the one at walmart will work.This should do you just fine.
oh that is alright i will try it myself later. Right now im 90% finished with area-51 and i will report soon if it worked or not.
i think you might be able to bypass that by just not having a good relationship with her. or if you are the girl then with dont have a good relationship with the guy. Tell them that. or give a friend that is 17+ to buy the game for you and don't tell your parents. Like for me i just tell them to buy the game and they don't really read what the game is really like. Well my dad might but not my mom. But i wont have to worry about that soon i can almost buy all these games at the end of this year.
If you havent searched around much here are some games i have played that seem a little like Fallout 3. Mass Effect, Bioshock, and the obvious one Elder scrolls of oblivion 4.
My parents won't let me get Mass Effect, I have and love Bioshock and Oblivion, in my opinion, is medicore at best.
Why wont they let you get mass effect. Because of the one scenes. Which imo are only like 4-7 seconds of a whole game.
i had seen on wal mart they had wired controllers for 30$. and on ebay they had it for 23$ new/w free shipping. But if you don't trust online stores i found walmart to be cheapest. Probably because walmart is chinese everyting but that is where i bought my xbox 360 wireless controllers 2 years ago and they still work like new. So i would go with wal mart.
That depends a little do you want to play with a wirless or wired controller? If you have a wirless 360 controller i know best buy sells a wireless receiver for the computer which i like to use wireless because you don't have to be right at computer to use it.
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