Thanks for the input. T will more than likely go with the an intel in that case. From what I had heard however, was that the phenom series was a cheaper equivalent to an intel, I guess my assumption was wrong. One other thing, can any of you reccomend a case, one thats you know not a piece of junk, but actual solid hardware.
Showtimex21's forum posts
Just want to start out by saying thank you to the members of GS who help out amateurs like me better understand how to build their own PC, the help is much appreciated.
So here are my selected parts so far, keep in mind ive got the OS and monitor already so any suggestions/reccomendations would be greatly appreciated. Looking to spend no more than $1,000, but at the same time be able to run Battlefield 3 at high or higher settings. phenom x ii 6 6950
reccomend a case, a motherboard with applicable RAM, reliable HDD (preferably 1TB),
With this would I need a PSU? or a network card?
And I notice that the graphics card has 2 outputs, meaning is it capapble of producing an image on 2 monitors? and if, in the fiture, I wanted to expand to two GCs what would the reccomendation be?
Thanks your help it is very much appreciated.
Surprised to see some of the "forced reading" books found in school listed, not saying they are bad as a book I had to read for school was To Kill A Mockingbird which I found to be a truly great piece of literature. Eye-opening and lessons in morality, also Great Gatsby I found to be entertaining.
"Without Remorse" by Tom Clancy
tied with
"Executive Orders" also by Tom Clancy.
"WR" Experience the dark side of human nature. Involves, love, lust, action, vegeance, regret, sorrow/pain, redemption. Explore John Kelly before he become John Clarke, the Commander of Rainbow Six Anti-terrorists organization.
"EO" Know what it's like to be behind the President's desk, making all the hard choices. Involves politician, war, country in turmoil (kind of like how its is now), rebuilding, and family values as well as patriotism.
Haven't read those Clancy novels, but if you reccomend them I oughta read them as I'am a fan of his work. In addition Rainbow Six and Red Rabbit by him, I beleive, are fantastic books as well.
If you are looking for a long, modern book I would reccomend a Tom Clancy novel, specifically Rainbow Six. With the recent Seal Team with OBL this book fits right in with modern covert operations a tremendous book if I should say so.
False OP, the very act of exercising raises the heart rate, obviously, but also raises metabolism and gets other muscles working as well. When you sit down and watch TV or are just sitting still your muscles essentially shut down, 70% less energy output in fact. So something as easy as taking the stairs as opposed to the elevator can help out even if it doesn't seem like much.
Meh I saw Occam's Razor and figured I had to post a song with the same title, don't like this song but the band is great
But on topic it seems astounding that folks do not have an understanding of something that was proven in I want to say the Rennaisane (but could easily be wrong.) Nonetheless perhaps it shows more about the two countires education systems and falling standards, I mean perhaps I'am in the wrong here but the latin roots geo and helio don't seem hard to figure out.
what exactly is DotA?
It's a rather popular mod based from off Warcraft: The Frozen Throne. Ill give a brief explanation as best as I can. Basically it's a 5v5 Hero RTS. Waves of units are spawned at each opposing base, and human players are each in control of a hero with various spells and abilities to kill other heroes or "push" and destroy the opponents base for complete victory. Here's a better, more in depth explanation.
Just hadn't seen this posted anywhere, so I though I'd let the Gamespot community know. interesting, though we'll see how the final product turns out considering Blizzard holds the copyright on all the likeness of the characters.
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