Thanks for the replies. Seeing some discrepencies though. Some say go fo it, height and size factor in, others saying NO!
Shrodinger's forum posts
Hey OT. The topic says it all. Looking to bu a motorcycle when I get back from deployment. I have my eyes on a Kawasaki Ninja ZX6r. I have heard that new riders shouldn't start on 600s, but I have also heard that since I am a big guy, 600 is fine. Any motorcycle riders out there that can shed some light on this for me?
Good to know about the gfx card. Anyone know about the processor? And, it's a honor to serve with the finest.
Im in the beggining of the game and im already really scared. Im at the part where im in the underground railroad. You should see my face while I play this game. I even fell out of my seat once because those plant things on the ceiling got me. Does anyone else think this game is scary.
The atmosphere and dystopian portrayal of future earth were what scared me in HL2. I recommend you read 1984. :D
Need your help comparing a Sony Vaio E series with an I5 @ 2.4 and a ATI 5470, and a Toshiba I7 @ 1.6 (Turboboost or something or other to about 2.8 ) and a gtx360m. This will be my pc gaming outlet for the forseeable future. Price does not matter, although there is a 500$ difference, but I don't care, my bonus just hit; OORAH MARINE CORPS!
Want tp be able to play new games like ME2 and Crysis, Split second and so on with good frame rates at higher settings. Let me know. The only thing worrying me is the 1.6 ghz quad with the i7 Toshiba, my desktop is AMD quad 2.5 and that works fantastic, want something that is as good, if not better. Please don't suggest any other laptops, I am in debate with these 2 since both are available at the PX :P
Help me out gents!
How about free with a catch? I gave away The Godfather the game and Bad Day LA to some fellow students in a game design c.lass. The catch being, of course, that they sucked donkey balls.
On the other hand, I have never recieved any free games. Oh, well.
I actually made a thread about fighting games on the pc a while back. check it out!Lately with all the talk about street fighter 4 i wated to try fighters for pc. Do you guys know any fighter with a demo that i can try?
Oh man you aren't the only one! Don't worry, you won't be considered a pansy, because this game has scared the crap out of MANY people, don't sell the game, just keep the lights on and the doors open when you play the game, but damnit, that's just when it becomes "too much" because the atmosphere in doom 3 is awesome, and from that post (and with the amount of people who have been scared by the game, even if you are joking, I actually believe you.) I can definetly tell it's done it's job.
When you are done with those games, get F.E.A.R. and Condemned Criminal Origins, those have a low price tag, and are bound to scare the shlt out of you!
Doom 3 is, indeed, very scary. What's cool about it, though, is that most of it is atomspheric tension, not the stupid ass monster closets.
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