If you are like me, you are upset and annoyed by the lack of fighting games (1 versus 1 (Mortal Kombat and so forth)) on the PC.
I have looked endlessly for a fighting games that look half so good as the recent console games. The fruits of my labor were abundent. I am providing the list and links, plus a short description for each. LONG LIVE THE COMPUTER FIGHTING GAME!!!!!!
The World Warriors: http://www.fileplanet.com/filelist.aspx?s=97639&v=90001 An excellent fighting game based on the popular MUGEN engine. Has around 25 fighters from a few different fighting series. Runs great on XP. Looks like crap. (dang pixels)
Kung Fu: Deadly Arts http://www1.skillground.com/sg/index.do Online only, this fighting game has awesome 3d visuals (from the 21st century), and is free with the skillground account. Skillground itself has a free membership and a cash membership. Both will give you free access to the games.The cash membership however, also allows you to place wagers on the outcomes of your bouts. The games themselves are free (yes i have said this many times now, but i wanted to stress the point), and KF:DA plays as well as the most recent MK games for teh consoles, albeit with less fighters and stages, but, hey, it's free. :D
Beasts of Rage: http://www.gamehippo.com/cat/1-39_1.shtml Q: What do you get when you cross Streets of Rage and The King of Fighters? A:BOR. a throw back to the sidescrolling, punching and kicking, arcade games of old.
Toribash: http://www.toribash.com/ Turn-based, physics (and blood!) heavy fighting game. To quote the site "Focus is on tactics rather than reaction and button mashing."
Guilty Gear X: As hard as I looked, this game is not available in the states, however, fileplanet has a demo, but it only has 1 stage and two fighters and the text is in japanese. The gameplay is fine though, and the visual are decent (2d)
M.U.G.E.N : Well, this is an amazing toolkit by Elecbyte that allows the user to create stages and characters for fighting games. It is an amazing resource, however the lisence has expired on all the versions and Elecbyte never updated. Their website shutdown sometime in late 2003. However, many fansites exist, and you can still download the client and characters. Know that technically this is illegal, but Elcebyte has never taken legal action, and they did release all of their materials freely. :roll:
Rag Doll Kung Fu: http://www.ragdollkungfu.com/ This is from the official site: "Imagine having a Kung Fu Fight with string puppets..." Decent visuals and loads of fun.
Guys, there are many, many, fighting games out there. Most are crap. Worse still, most look like crap. However, those listed above are recent, free, and either look amazing (KF:DA) or make up for it with nostalgia and rip roaring good times (BOR). Have fun folks.
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