Shut_Me_Up's forum posts
The WII online will be mediocre at best its their first time with online gaming and I cant expect them to invest too much money into something that they are not sure how it will fare. AussieDCOPeople can't get enough of online games these days. They know that. They know that if they can make a good online service, it will greatly benefit them. Now, if they could just fix up this friend code crap, they'd be made.
The people reproducing at the highest rate are the people we need fewer of. Hexum-311Couldn't have said it better myself.
I'm pro choice. I don't get pro lifers. If they want to save all of these children, they should be adopting kids left and right. Because bouncing around from one foster home to another is no way to grow up. That said, if somebody's going to abort their kid, they can't take care of it or don't want to, and they know it. We should respect that.
Anyways, you have to ask yourself if it's murder. What is murder? Intentional killing of a living being, in this case a human. What defines a human? A clump of cells? I think that if those cells aren't alive (in the human sense), it's not murder. IE, if it can't feel and can't think (nervous system and brain haven't developed yet), then by all means, abort away.
I think everybody who is pro-life should take a note from the Catholics, and condemn condom use. Because technically the sperm cells aren't a person, but if you stop them from fertalization, you are stopping the existence of a potential person. Just like abortion (early first trimester) is stopping the existence of what will eventually become a person.
When I made the poll, I was unsure of my own answer. I went with Nintendo, because I believe M$ has made good on 99% of there promises, but have had to make some false claims in competing with the king of fraud Sony. Nintendo on the other hand has actually downplayed some of the Wii's capabilities and completely avoided getting into the dirt with Sony and M$, which I think is noble and good business!JediA_basicSince they downplayed the Wii's capabilities, everyone was surprised. Really, it's a great business plan, to get people hyped up about your product but leave out some of the best parts. Then when it comes out they're all like "Whoa, so much better than I expected!" That excitement may very well mean a sale.
It is clear that Nintendo will win this gen. McMorgueNothing is clear at this point. They have a damn good chance, yes, but anything could happen.
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