What a bunch of care bears dude. Who the hell cares if the PC or Consoles are cheaper seriously wtf! As long as everyone thinks what they are doing is the best bang for their buck, more power to them. You want to save money don't play games period, or go download DosBox and play till you fill your hearts desire. You would think that at least 5% of the people on this site are a "hardcore gamer" sheesh. If you can't blow 400 bucks of your paycheck a year keeping your system / gear in check you might as well go find a different hobby like collecting stamps perhaps?
I fail to see "Contenders to the throne" in the RPG genre. Since Diablo II's release it has been 9 years. I repeat NINE YEARS! I can't name one RPG game that even surpassed Diablo II in gameplay. Mythos?Titan Quest with its x-pack? Neverwinter Nights 2 was horrible imho. Oblivion is a good game but doesnt have that action paced feel to it and will refuse to compare it to a game like D2. Hell all other RPG games are so insignificant none come to mind.
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