[QUOTE="Deyee"] [QUOTE="jigglebilly1983"]Multiple discs arent practicle for seamless open world games.jigglebilly1983
Exactly, this GTA IV will fit on one DVD.
Future GTAs on the other hand could possibly have multiple disks, but again depends on the developer.
with heavy amounts of compression that will downgrade quality. compression that prolly wont be nescesary on the PS3 version. And Future GTA's prolly wont have to be on multiple discs, becasue by that time one should hope that the developers had figured out all the tricks for the systems by then.
thats not entirely true, it could go multiply disks this game or ones for the future, and it wouldnt really hender anything.
and large amounts of compression do generally downgrade quality, but MS and its compression tools that they sent to the developers are way more advanced than that of sonys, not to downgrade sony but just talking facts. so they can compress more without losing as much quality, but still if it was all uncompressed which will not happen this generation of gamming on any system. or pc. it would be much better, here is another thing, MS stated 3 things.
1. there is no need for 1080p at this time, half a year later, 1080p is on 360
2. there is no need for a hdmi port, now you have a system that has one.
3. the larger hdd will not have games made specifically to use it, AT THIS TIME.
the first 2 have already adapted, see it works like this if MS feel they need to use hdd specific games sometimes then they will, they have that ability not only have it but exercised that right many times, now.
not to say sony hasnt changed things as well. the ps3 was changed several times before production. the ps3 exlusives not so exclusive anymore, they announced home, see. things are not like they were a few years ago, change is the only constant. and MS and Sony have enough backing to adapt to anything in the fields of gamming.
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