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#1 SicsStringFreak
Member since 2003 • 1679 Posts

[QUOTE="Deyee">Yet, gamers have been swapping discs out since the PS1, so what's stopping developers from developing multi-disk games? teebeenz
There will be plenty of cases where it will be viable, however there will still be some where it wont. Each level in lair for example is around 4 gigs, so thats 2 a DVD. I wouldnt be surprised if that increases over time so it does start to make one wonder how many disks are going to be needed.

lol actually its 4 gigs a level uncompressed, read up on it, the size would be a lot smaller on actual game. lol people need to realize this.

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#2 SicsStringFreak
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I asked a guy at eb, he said late june:( i hope its soonerarab_prince

actually its suppose to be late may/early june

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#3 SicsStringFreak
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Halo 1 was the first FPS that you could drive vehicals in and I think it was was the first game that ran at 60 fps davidtabor5
sorry halo was not the first to drive vehichles in game fps, second there were several games that ran at 60 fps, before halo.  not to degrade halo for i love it, but those two bits of information are not correct.
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#4 SicsStringFreak
Member since 2003 • 1679 Posts

its at a new hd movie and all for it so does anyone know if the game is actually cancelled


they say a demo for the pc will be relased tommorow if you go to

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#5 SicsStringFreak
Member since 2003 • 1679 Posts

your looking in the wrong places to find your anwser.

Halo is absolutly a revolutionary game, not because of duel wielding or shields but more because of the almost mathmatically perfect damage mechanics, online "parties" and extremley custimizeable game options as well as its matchmaking systems. Its more revolutionary in the way that diffrent parts of the game interact with each other and can be used togather, such as in 007 if you had duelies u were unstopable but in halo if you use gernades and ure envirnment correctly you can stop some one dead in there tracks even if they have two smg's or plasma rifles or what have you. as well as the fact that jumping in to a vehicle is almost a seemless transition as apposed to red faction. Even the menuverability is revolutionary because of how you can use it in diffrent ways to achieve diffrent things depending on your situation. but even more importantly what they hit right on the head was the aiming system where the crosshair almost "sticks" to your target making it alot easier to aim with a controller as apposed to a mouse. in short halo is a very revolutionary game by addind suttle features that work with one and other and pulling in all the other mechanics that make a great shooter perfectly.


i would not say halo has perfect mechanics for anything, but it does have better than most. i dont like the rectical stick to targets on halo, and the mouse and keyboard myth is that a myth, it has the potential to be faster, but i can promise you this i will destroy many of a pc gamer on their keyboards and mouse, with my 360 controller. believe that.

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#6 SicsStringFreak
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there are alot of opinions in here, and everyone i see has their own. but nobody in here is wrong in that opinion, i believe halo was revolutionary,

and none of you have the right to say i dont know what im talking about, for i have been a gamer since pong, longer than most of the people in this forum and have played countless games and destroyed galaxies, and halo has something that most games nowadays do not have, and immersive mood. depth, sure some games have better graphics or the ability to do something new, or use a new weapon, but most new games lack depth, and i say new covering everything from 2001 to now. atleast some of these newly annouced games comming out have potential to have that depth. and i think some will deliver, like mass effect, and huxley, and halo3, but their are others as well, like lost oddyssy, but that is merely hope and assumption not fact.

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#7 SicsStringFreak
Member since 2003 • 1679 Posts

its at a new hd movie and all for it so does anyone know if the game is actually cancelled

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#8 SicsStringFreak
Member since 2003 • 1679 Posts

No DUKE NUKEM was revolutionary - Humor action women

half-life was revolutionary - AI that actually had Intelligence.

Halo was simply Rehash material...but it was at the right time with the right venue. Halo was a New Dog doing the same old tricks with a newer outfit. 


halo is revolutionary for dual analog use on fps for consoles and was the first one to do it right,

second halo has an excellent story, the games only tell half of it though.

it has a mood unlike many many games now adays like gta.

anyone remember diablo, parasite eve, C&C, starcraft, final fantasy 7, silent hill, duke nukem. these games had moods to them, had a little somethign that just drew you into the game, and halo has that same thing for me, and for millions of other gamers.

it has great music that goes with the game they put alot of quality in the music and sound.

the weapons are relative to a lot of gamers. 

but bungie atleast is taking the time to make a great game instead of rush the crap out like all the damn call of dutys. 3 have been either announced or relased in a year and a half.



i love halo but i can see why people dont like it, because i cant stand gta

but other people like it.


but this goes for every one, 8 times out of 10 the reason someone does not like a game is because they suck at it.  not just halo but all games. and or someone does not like a game because their peers do not. same as music people dont listen to music for themselves anymore, they listen to what they think their peers like to fit in. thats why music made here in america is extremely dwindleing. that and mtv and vh1 killed it way before nabster. mtv use to play whats popular, then they went to making "certain" music popular, then went the whole realilty show route.

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#9 SicsStringFreak
Member since 2003 • 1679 Posts

halo is revolutionary for dual analog use on fps for consoles and was the first one to do it right,

second halo has an excellent story, the games only tell half of it though.

it has a mood unlike many many games now adays like gta.

anyone remember diablo, parasite eve, C&C, starcraft, final fantasy 7, silent hill, duke nukem. these games had moods to them, had a little somethign that just drew you into the game, and halo has that same thing for me, and for millions of other gamers.

it has great music that goes with the game they put alot of quality in the music and sound.

the weapons are relative to a lot of gamers. 

but bungie atleast is taking the time to make a great game instead of rush the crap out like all the damn call of dutys. 3 have been either announced or relased in a year and a half.


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#10 SicsStringFreak
Member since 2003 • 1679 Posts

[QUOTE="jigglebilly1983"]Multiple discs arent practicle for seamless open world games.jigglebilly1983

Exactly, this GTA IV will fit on one DVD.

Future GTAs on the other hand could possibly have multiple disks, but again depends on the developer. 

with heavy amounts of compression that will downgrade quality. compression that prolly wont be nescesary on the PS3 version. And Future GTA's prolly wont have to be on multiple discs, becasue by that time one should hope that the developers had figured out all the tricks for the systems by then.

thats not entirely true, it could go multiply disks this game or ones for the future, and it wouldnt really hender anything.

and large amounts of compression do generally downgrade quality, but MS and its compression tools that they sent to the developers are way more advanced than that of sonys, not to downgrade sony but just talking facts. so they can compress more without losing as much quality, but still if it was all uncompressed which will not happen this generation of gamming on any system. or pc. it would be much better, here is another thing, MS stated 3 things.

1. there is no need for 1080p at this time, half a year later, 1080p is on 360

2. there is no need for a hdmi port, now you have a system that has one.

3. the larger hdd will not have games made specifically to use it, AT THIS TIME.

the first 2 have already adapted, see it works like this if MS feel they need to use hdd specific games sometimes then they will, they have that ability not only have it but exercised that right many times, now.

not to say sony hasnt changed things as well. the ps3 was changed several times before production. the ps3 exlusives not so exclusive anymore, they announced home, see. things are not like they were a few years ago, change is the only constant. and MS and Sony have enough backing to adapt to anything in the fields of gamming.