[QUOTE="SillyManimal"][QUOTE="Heith"][QUOTE="fuzzysquash"][QUOTE="Heith"]Gears of War looks better.. and it's pushing on a year old now. The fog looks choppy and the face looks flattened, as well as the objects in the distance.Heith
No, Gears does not look better than Killzone.
Hehe, denial. Look at the characters arm and compare it to the detailed texture of the human skin in Gears of War. Also note the blocky low res textures in the distance. Also note the finger clipping the trigger guard. You are in total denial, and when KZ2 comes out, you will realise this.
You do realize that KZ2 is coming out some time in 2008, don't you think you should be careful of what you say?
C'mon.. do you honestly think that PS3 can support a game as good looking as gears?
Are you telling me the PS3 will never be able to produce GeOW level graphics? Btw, Uncharted looks better and so does UT and they are both on the PS3, yes UT is a multiplat, but that's not the point.
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