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Silver's Top Ten: Favorite Games #10

Alright. This is it. My first top ten list, based on my favorite games of all time. I'll probably be updating this every Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Please note that this is MY FAVORITE games of all time, not what I believe to be THE GREATEST games of all time. This list is more related to my experiences with the games, and my personal bond to the game.


Halo: Combat Evolved

I remember playing Halo in my basement some five years ago. This really was the first person shooter that did it ALL right. Its campaign is close to perfect; having amazing graphics for its time, and a nice story to go along with it. Additionally, the multiplayer is even better, and is often copied or used in other shooter games. One of the best party/multiplayer games out there.

I was young when I played this game, so I recall getting quite scared during the entrance of the Flood. But the game kept me playing through, and the last level was one of the most exciting portions of a game i've ever played.

The Master Chief is also a badass character (even if he does lack some personality), while Cortana is the sexy sidekick/...program.

Even today, I play this game with my friends. BY FAR, I have stronger feelings for this game rahter than its sequels.

Which is why it is #10 on my Favorite Games of all time.

#9 comes on Wednesday.

At Summer's End...

Yep, this is my final day of summer. It didn't last long, but it was fun while it lasted.

I'm entering my sophomore year of high school tomorrow, which means more homework and less time for Gamespot, and umm... videogames. Well, I shouldn't be complaining, since a lot of you are entering junior year... But I can complain about the fact that I am taking 2 AP courses this year.

That's right. 2 AP courses, which (at least i think) is a lot for a sophomore to be taking. BUT, i'm hoping that I can pull through and maintain my clean honors average that i've been keeping.

Over the summer, i did a LOT of things. Of course, one of those things was homework. For my AP classes, i had to read 2 books. One was The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams. Very funny book, and i reccomend to anybody. The other was The Hiding Place, by Corrie Ten Boom. Not as entertaining, but not really boring either.

The rest of homework was just boring stuff. You know, writing essays, reading textbooks.

Movies. I watched two movies over the summer. Actually, I watched a movie and its sequel. So over the summer, I heard a lot about the Dark Knight, the hype surrounding it, and Heath Ledger's performance. From what I was told, it just sounded too amazing to be true.

In preperation, I rented a copy of Batman Begins, as I had never seen it before. I really loved the movie. It was so cool how they took a thing like batman, a man wearing a bat suit, and made it so realistic. After that I went to see the hit, the Dark Knight.

This movie is amazing. Best of the year by far i think. It deserves all the hype it got, and Heath Ledger's performance may be the best i've ever seen. It definitely lives up to its prequel, and maybe even surpasses it.

Games. Played three games this summer. One, I bought, one, I already had, and one I got as a present.

Final Fantasy IV for the DS is the one I bought, and I mentioned it in my last thread. I rammed myself through around half of it. This is a very good game, probably one of the best on DS right now. Not as revolutionary as the original, but good enough for DS GOTY material.

I've had Tales of Symphonia for the Gamecube for around two years now, but never really got around to playing it. Finally, this summer, I ran through maybe 45% of it. This game has one of the best stories ive seen on a videogame, and the characters work really well too. Great game as well.

Finally, Chrono Trigger for the SNES. This game really is something else. If it had not been for this game, my summer may have been hell. I can't find one fault with this game; it's as PERFECT as can be. Another thing that deserves all the hype it gets. BY FAR- the best game I played this summer. Oh, and I beat it:D

One last thing before preparing for tomorrow. I've been thinking of a way to make this blog more entertaining, and I found a way. Every month or so, I will have a Top Ten/Five feature that will count down my favorite [place noun here]. I thought i'd start with the most obvious one, so we'll be starting with "Top Ten Favorite Games".

Ok, I'm done. Now go play some videogames.)

It's been a long time...

...since ive posted anything on here. In fact, almost a whole YEAR has gone by...

However, it's not like i completely abandoned gamespot; i actually visited gamespot daily. I was just too lazy to write a couple paragraphs.

Heh, it's weird. Looking back at my earlier posts, ive realized how stupid and boring they were. I'll try to keep it a little more entertaining this time:lol:

In terms of gaming, i haven't really purchased anything really "big" over this past year. In November, after I got Metroid Prime 3:Corruption (which turned out to be a great game), I got Super Mario Galaxy for Thanksgiving. That was a really fun game, which was pretty much a given, considering it had the word "mario" in its title.

Then December came, and it was time for Christmas. For my Christmas present, i got one, single game: Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga. I know it sounds like a bad decision, but i actually completely enjoyed it, and it kept me playing for a long time.

Now we zip past a couple months, to the month of April. Super Smash Bros. Brawl had just released, so I bought myself a copy. The BEST adjective to describe this game with is HUGE. It's amazing how they fit so much content in one disc. Overall, however, the game was a bit of a disappointment to me, after having loved the original and gamecube versions. They could have developed the online mode further, but they chose to leave it in its shabby, present state.

After that, I took an extremely long hiatus from gaming. I was kind of getting fed up in the way Nintendo was treating gaming. They were becoming all zombie-like with their "smile-goal", and weren't releasing any hard-core games to the market. Oh, for f***'s sake, they weren't even releasing any good games! While microsoft and sony were releasing games like GTA IV and MGS, what was nintendo releasing? Wii fit!?!??

So I was pretty angry when summer began, but then when July's E3 came around, my anger was fueled once again. Nintendo's show at E3 was a bit of a DISGRACE. First of all, the hostess was a complete mess. Reggie should have hosted the whole thing instead of her. Second, there were absolutely no appealing games at all. And lastly, WII MUSIC happened. WII MUSIC. ARE YOU F***ING KIDDING ME!?!?! At first, i thought it was a joke. It was that stupid! I actually got embarassed watching that piece of s***!

So now August came, and I decided I should get a Final Fantasy game. I always played FF games at my friends' houses, or I watched playthroughs of them on youtube, but i never actually got one. So, because the only Nintendo-Square Enix FF games are on the DS (and no, I am NOT counting the My Life As a King game), I decided to get a FF game for the DS. The recently released remake of Final Fantasy IV seemed like the perfect thing, so i bought it yesterday, August 4th.

Overall, this game is like a perfect package. You can tell square enix worked their a**es off on this. They remade the game from the ground-up, so there are like these brilliant 3D cinematic cutscenes, and wonderful audio. I have a few complaints, but I can just rant about those when I write a review.

Oh, also, I just wanted to mention this union I joined, just for the heck of it. The RPG temple is an awesome place for anyone who likes RPG's and it's very well organized. The members are nice too:D

Meanwhile, I changed my user icons and pictures and stuff... For anyone who doesn't know, the character in my icon is named Felix, and he is the main character from Golden Sun 2... but YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT.

Ahhh... long post. I doubt anyone will read this whole thing, but if you do,... then you have a lot of time on your hands.:D

w00t! Yo compre el Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

That's right! Today I ventured through the depths of 5 stores to get my very own copy of the big, highly anticipated, and high rated game, Metroid Prime 3. (The 5th store was Toys'RUs, by the way, which I think is one of the most reliable stores for games.)

Anyways, even though i have recorded that I am currently playing the game, I am actually 4 hours away from my home and am yet to even touch my wii. I am burdened with a wait of5 hours before I can do so.

But till then, I will have to stare at the cover of the exciting Wii game until I can fully appreciate and experience the "intuitive first-person controls" of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption.


Wow... I'm back.

Wow... i haven't blogged or logged on for that matter in a looooong time. Well... here we go.

After i got the wii and tenkaichi 2, i played that for a while, beat it,unlocked most of the stuff,and then got Pokemon diamond and played that for a while. I beat that, transferred my uber poke's from past games, la di da...

Now im on vacation, I haven't gotten any games for 2 months. However, I'm probably getting 2 games in 2 months for my birthday. Guild Wars Nightfall and Metroid Prime: Corruption. Then, in November, I'm going to get Dragonball Z:Budokai Tenkaichi 3. And then, finally, in Christmas, yo soy going to get Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Super Mario Galaxy/Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass!

Ahhhhhhh... till then... no videogames for me.... Anyways, gotta go check unions! CYA!

Yay! I gotsa Wii!

Yes, I finally gotsa a wii yesterday morning in the hot sun. So happy I am.

Actually, there were 21 wii's, and I was the 9th person.

The good thing about being in a line for a long time is that you have to make friends. And everyone was friendly.

I got and extra controller and nunchuck and Dragonball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 2. Awesome game.

So now, th agenda for me is less work and more playing. Yay.

No games...

This is a bad time in gaming for me...

I have no new games to play... I'm saving up for a wii in April.:cry:

TP Update

I just beat the Arbiter's Grounds dungeon in Twilight Princess and I'm on my way to the next one!

My friend just got Warioware: Smooth Moves for the Wii! It looks fun!

The Arbiter's Grounds

I just got to the Arbiter's Grounds dungeon in Legend of Zelda: Twilght Princess for the gamecube.

So far, the game has been really fun, and the bosses are awesome.

I will post a new blog when I beat the game!

I want a Wii so bad...

I played the wii at my friends house yesterday it was my first time...

I really want it, but im limited to how much money I can spend... :cry:

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