I was going to say I live in N.E. PA and its not that cheap, we have a lot of NY and NJ people that love to come to the area and do to that, all our living expenses have gone up. :( Pa is nice and all, but its really over rated.
Yes, I am a male and no I will never be able to carry a child. Yet, that does not make me any different. I have three nephews that I love dearly and if the time came I would willing lay down my life for them. (Yes, I know, you are saying to yourself thats so stupid, and how its easy to say that, when you are not in that type of position.) Like I said I would willing die for them, why? because I love them. I have already lived over 20 years of my life, now its time that these children have a chance to live their lives, like I have. One, thing is for sure and that is that I WOULD NEVER HURT A CHILD! If my gf or wife was to have a child I would be right there for her. I would never tell her to abort that life, yes we will have some hard times but we would get through them.
I am sorry but 16 year olds are still children, that do not have the wisdom that 18 or 21 years will have. In fact I say that they should raise it to 21 years of age.
Its wrong, no matter how people try to justify it, it is still murder. The second the child is conceived its human. (There is no argument with that! A Human is still a Human no matter how old!) A human life is a precious thing that should not be taken light hearted or for granted. They say that every human has the right to live. Yet, they cheat unborn babies/humans that right everyday. It does not matter if the woman or the hostess did not want the child, she has an obligation to that child that is growing within her womb. The argument that the woman was raped and became pregnant is retarded. Yes, it happens, but the majority still lies with willing sexual relationships. If women and men are willing to partake in that ritual, then they need to understand that they are taking the chance to create some thing very special. This child has every right to a full life and no human has the right to take it. They say that a woman has the right to whether she carries the child or has it aborted. That right is a lie! When a woman is pregnant its no longer about her, its about the child that she carries. A child that would willingly love her and trust her. How can any human or woman break this type of bond with their innocent child.
For a wedding: "To make you feel my love" For a funeral: "Prelude Op. 28, No. 15 in D-flat major, by Frederic Chopin, also know as "Buried Alive" That song Buried Alive is the most creepy song that I have ever heard, more then House of a thousand corpses.
Don't worry dude, I am wearing a toga right now. :) No, really I am...I have to because of my back brace, pants and shorts will not fit with the brace on. :)
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