@L0mak You just know that the Xbone's UI is gonna so loaded with ads and commercials everywhere that they'll have to give you achievements for getting thru all of them.
@cjkrew @Simulator_Shock @djpetitte Not really, the PS3 wasn't originally designed as an anti-consumer console that treated gamers like criminals. Tho I will admit that the PS3 did have a very poor launch, Sony eventually righted their mistakes and caught up to, and surpassed the 360.
@djpetitte The Xbone is more like a next generation 3DO, and by that I mean that the console is overpriced and doesn't have enough special games to back it up, in combination with Mircosoft's mandatory surveillance equipment. The initial sales will be very slow and disappointing, but it will still manage to linger on for a few more years until Microsoft finally throws up the white flag due to all their warehouses stocked full of millions of unsold Xboxes.
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