So I've been going through my game collection lately and I've re-discovered bunch of games that I loved as a little, snot-nosed punk I was. I thought it would be fun to go through some of them and see how I feel about them nowadays. For the sake of space and time, I'm only listing around 5 NES games. Also because I've concentrated most of my time to my NES games, since I thought that would be a great place to start this odyssey to the past. I would have started with Atari 2600, which was the first console I owned (my mom and dad got it for me as a Christmas present, even though I wanted NES) but I have no idea where I've put all the games for it. So here are some of the games little Jussi (me) played while growing up:
Boy did I love this game back in the day. I always thought the main character is a complete badass since he didn't need fancy Master Swords or Mega Blasters to kick butt, for the little guy in green vest relied on his FISTS. Sure you could assemble a small bot that would shoot things (or even swing a sword) but most of the time it was the FISTS that that were flying towards the enemy jawlines. It's still an incredibly entertaining game with a healthy level of challenge. I'm glad I discovered this game again. It kind of reminds me of Blue Shadow (aka Shadow of the Ninja), except with FISTS.
Now Ghostbusters was the big thing, alongside of He-Man, for me when I was a kid. I loved those guys. So obviously my young and naive mind was willing to absord any piece of crap the game companies would put out as a part of Ghostbusters franchise. And so I ended up with the Ghostbusters 2 video game, since I (thankfully) missed the first Ghostbusters game for the NES. I can't say I never really enjoyed actually playing the game since it was kind of tough to beat, mostly because of horrible controls, but this was the Ghostbusters video game so obviously it didn't matter. Tears of joy filled my eyes when I could shoot weird green slime that did nothing at all kinds of things, and I went straight to seventh heaven during the rather lame driving stages where you would crash the Ecto-1 to everything. Looking at it now though, it's kind of embarrassing to think I used to spend hours playing it.
Sadistically hard game (I've never completed it), but damn it was (and still is) addictive. I think I hardly ever made it past the first stage but it didn't matter, this game was sweet, like strawberries. Even though it was a pretty stereotypical horizontal scroller, it had tons of great charm that made it one of my childhood favorites.
Another game that was hard as hell. Even with the mighty power of Game Genie it seemed to take forever to finally beat it. Sure, it's a clone of the legendary Commando at heart, but it's the co-op that made me and my friends spend hours and hours just blasting and shooting and destroying everything and everyone.
These two games are my alltime favorites for the NES. After Ikari Warriors lost it's charm, it was time to find another game that would satisfy my shooting needs... And it was Contra that answered the call. No matter whether you play them alone or co-op, Contra and Super Contra are incredibly entertaining (even by today's standards) thanks to their simple yet addictive gameplay, fast-paced action, great amount of challenge and well... just overall badassery. I mean, these games put you on the boots of a shirtless tough guy with a huge gun and incredible agility, and makes you shoot the crap out of everything. Enemies and bullets are flying from all the directions, things are blowing up and the bosses are huge and awesome. It's genius, though the final boss of Super Contra is shamelessly easy. I've actually thought about taking a Contra tattoo to my arm, that's how strong my following is, for these games rule.
Well that's it for now. I had more games on the list, but it's just too damn time consuming to write these blogs. Especially when my NES finger is itching for some sweet, sweet Contra fun. Of course I loved (and still do) all the c.lassics like Punch-Out, Mega-Man, Bionic Commando, Super Mario and Metroid, but everybody knows those games so I didn't really feel like writing about them. That's it for now. I'll put more stuff up once I've spend more time with my old games.
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