I haven't played it yet. But as you i would welcome some comments from the ones that did. But now seriously, is it that bad as everyone says? It didn't looked to bad from the trailers and screenshots they i have seen. Maybe you can tell us something more. :)
I think that we all are going to say Final fantasy 10. it was quite a change for most FF players, first it was because the sphere system was unnusual, but i really liked it, also the bosses were more difficult then we used to in FF, the puzzles weren't that hard, as for the Monster Arena, that was quite a challenge. But the most difficult thing in FF 10 i think it was getting everyone their Ultimate Weapon. Anyway, even if it was a challenging game i really loved it. :D
When you calm yourself, take a few days, play something else, just relax , if this still bothers you you can take it gently and play again. but try to be more carefull. I am sorry for your loss.
lets hope that Final fantasy XIII wil be as good, maybe even better then other FF. I know it is hard for them to do that but the start looks good. The new battle system really looks cool and the graphics are outstanding. Lets hope that the future wiil be good. :D
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