What the hell is wrong with the one dude? He brings up on 3 separate occasions how he never finished V, IV, or San Andreas. He either has a terrible attention span or this series just isn't for him.
"Virtual reality" is just a stupid gimmick that means nothing until they actually create Matrix-like technology that can fool your brain into thinking what it's seeing is real, which may never happen.
I'm in the same boat. I don't have a high end PC so I bought all multi-platform games on the 360 even though I also had a PS3. I don't want the XBone at all. At least not in it's current form. I would suggest everyone hold off on buying the XBone until Microsoft realizes that their anti-consumer bull**** is not acceptable.
I bought a Wii U because I like Nintendo and I have disposable income, but I will admit I'm not thrilled with it. The controller is a cool idea but once again Nintendo has released a console that doesn't improve on the graphical capability of the consoles that came before it, which is a stupid decision. The launch titles are also mediocre. Always have a new 3D Mario, Zelda, Star Fox, or Metroid when you launch your consoles, that should be a no-brainer.
Why does this review compliment the story? The story is the worst part. It's absolute garbage that reads like it was written by an angry and misogynistic 13 year old. This is why I don't take GS reviews at face value any more.
Folks, I wouldn't suggest an impulse buy of Crysis until you're sure your computer can handle it. My PC can run all the games of The Orange Box on highest settings and get great FPS, but Crysis kicks my computer's ass.
Also, if you are confused about the "endings", let me explain in what is, I hope, a simple way: The cinematic that's played after completion of the final level is the same for all difficulty levels. There is another cinematic that is played after the credits. Don't press anything when you see the Bungie "thank you" message, the credits start after that! Again, this cinematic is the same for all difficulty levels. However, if you beat the game on Legendary (solo or co-op, it doesn't matter), you are treated to a brief cinematic after the one after the credits that gives hints where the Halo franchise might be leading.
I am REALLY impressed with Halo 3 so far. I loved Halo 2, but even I admit that it didn't bring a lot of new stuff to the Halo franchise. Halo 3 has a fantastic campaign mode with a satisfying and heart-tugging ending and Bungie has put a lot of work in to make sure the multiplayer community is dominated by creative minds and not 200 pound 12 year olds. Good job.
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