I just played the 3DS at my local Best Buy and I was impressed.
It was a lot smaller than I imagined, but it's not smaller than the DS Lite.
The 3D depth was pretty awesome. Making it look like you're looking into the screen was a good idea. The 3D slider worked perfectly as intended and I found myself using it halfway (fit to my eyes the best that way)
As for the "sweet spot" I think people over exaggerate how hard it is to stay with it. Unless you have mad Parkinsons, you'll have an easy time keeping the 3D effect going. Honestly, do you move your head around while playing games? No.
I was very happy about the buttons having a definite click to it and repsonding well, especially since I got one of the DS Lites that had a messed up d-pad.
The analog stick felt great and doesn't feel like a cheap piece of plastic, but I wouldn't go nuts on it (if you intend to buy SSFIV) and the rubber was a nice touch.
I just hope the games feel like console games on a handheld rather than cheap handheld games.
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