Lord Zhou Tai attack Zhu Ci and capture is city and bring me his head to prove that whoever attacks wu or allies will die Wei-Yanwhy don't you do your own bidding you coward? Zou ci I've got your back when the time comes
SirMothy's forum posts
So i zuo ci deafeted the great sima yi whre is my reward?Snake142ok sorry bout that gives Zhu Ti to zou ci as a token of our gratitude.....and you only helped defeat him Ma chao slain him
no look at the tyop it says Jiang Wei (4) then someone else attacked me so now its 3, you people cant readAnyone else find this dealing damage to two characters at once just being queer?
EDIT: Xiahou Yuan attacked Jiang Wei too, no? At the top of this page I beleive...So Jiang Wei, you have 2...And Xiahou Yuan has 9, not 8...
lord Zhou Yu attack Jiang Wei and bring his head to meI'm in my capital can't you read
Jiang Wei (3 ) retreats to the capital after dealing blows to: Xu Huang (4 or 5) and Xiahou Yuan ( 8 )
"hahaha, you think you can win without Sima Yi's guidance, you fools, never the less you have taken away quite a chunk of my life, so I will retreat for now, but soon enough I will crunch you."
Ma Chao, and Zhao Yun!!!!! Destroy the remaining Wei forces, Guan Yu you may do as you please unitl recieving orders form Lord Liu Bei
Jiang Wei (4) moves toBei Dei and attacksZhou yu ( 7 )
Zhao Yun, assist me!!!!!!
" The Wei villians are defeated, and I use this oppurtunity to attack the sleepy Wu generalat Bei Dei"
The Wu forces are asleep we need to attack Bei Dei quickly!!!!!!!Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! but we promised Zou ci a city so Zou ci go grab one of our unoccupied cities.......I Jiang Wei commend Ma chao for killing Sima Yi, but we haven't won yet so lets get out there and continue our battle!Ma Chao(eh, I'll consent to just having 5): Its too bad that for all your genious Sima Yi, that you cant count. You have but one life point left, and I shall take it now!!!
(Ma Chao leaps from his horse a stabs Sima Yi through the heart. Simay Yi stares dumbfounded as he slowely turns to ash, vampire style.)
Ma Chao: Wei is defeated!!! Now time for me to return to Cheng Du.
I Jiang Wei ( 4 ) assist Zou ci and the shu forces of Ma chao and Zhao Yun and attack Wei!
Sima Yi - 1 Xu Huang -1 Dian Wei - 1
Wucan't you see that even if Wei destroys us they will destroy you too!!!! They have lured you right to their capital city and are going to strike you down, We wish to split the land between us won't you do whats best..? its a win win situation, Wei must fall so I Jiang Wei can restore the han empire!!!!!!!!!!!Screaming through the night on horseback I, Jiang Wei tear through Xu Huang's forces, and delivers yet another blow to the almost unguarded Sima Yi, but I'm not done there, my men set fire to Dian Wei's fortifacations at the enemies supply depot.
"I know the batte hasn't turned out as we wished it to, but i will prove my worth, I too will charge the capital!!!!
victory is near, I can feel it!!!! lord Ma chao, do you forgive me yet for the wrongs i have done?
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