The TC can spew out as much PC hardware knowledge and console hardware knowledge as he wants. Doesn't mean much. If God of War 2 is capable on PS2 architecture, I'm sure talented developers somewhere can make a game for 360 that looks very, very close to Crysis. Saying that consoles will never have this type of graphical quality sounds like denial. 360 is only a year and a half old. Compare original Xbox launch titles to Ninja Gaiden and Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory. HUGE DIFFERENCE IN GRAPHICS. I'm sure by late 2008, early 2009 Crysis level graphics will become a certainty for 360 and PS3. AvIdGaMeR444
No they can't lmfao! All of the consoles even the PS2 have technical limitations buddy! For example lets take texture quality, Ps2 games may have advanced in some ways graphicall, BUT there are some way in which it has stayed the same, texture for example, the quality of textures haven't really improved at all over the life of the PS2.
Crysis also manages to achieve it's look through some DX10 unique features that the new consoles simply cannot do. The main feature that allows Crysis to do what it does is a feature that allows the game to draw an object in which their are many of one time, so instead of drawing 1,000 of the same tree 1,000 times it only does it once. This is something that simply can't be done on the PS3/360 hardware.
Their are many other factors you ignorantly refuse to take into account avid like the fact that over time technology advances faster and faster and faster, hardware is increasingly becoming dated at a faster rate.
All in all looking back at past achievments like GOW2 is quite a stupid justification for thinking it will happen again not that GoW2.
While the the crappy hardware of the PS2 doing gow2 is quite a nice achievment it really isn't the big deal you make it out to be.
The reason I think so many of you lemmings/sheep think you may achieve Crysis like graphics is because you'll look at one character or one building in Crysis and compare it to something out of a 360 game and say you see that isn't worlds better or better at all.
Like when the Halo 3 video came out of E3 last year all the lemmings were in joy saying Halo 3 is going to beat Crysis graphically because of how great master chief looked in comparison.
The thing is though there really is so much more to it then that when you look at the fact that in Crysis you have
an unprecedented level of destructability in building/the environment.
More highly detailed objects on the screen (see the forest) then ever see in a game
All thise with HDR/ soft shadows/ high resolution textures/ Volumetric clouds/Shader model 4 and more.
Look at all of the distant games coming out to the next gen consoles within the next couple of years, some of them may pull of some of these things, but the fact that Crysis is doing all that it's doing in one picture is just insane.
This isn't like Doom 3 and such were the game just went to make and impressive indoor scene no, in Crysis they took all of the hardest things to do and slapped them altogether and made it look phenominal which is why it's so amazing.
Crysis isn't looking to just up the antte drastically in one area as Doom 3 did with shadows, it's doing it across the board.
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