When did I say "technically" it looks better or worse. I didn't. But your opinion Isn't a "fact" any more then mine is. It's all just opinion, and mine still stands that Infamous was Very much a disappointment in the looks department. I didn't say it was ugly but it is not much of a stunner either to me.
Sithmaster-Jase's forum posts
You can already tell I have not played infamous? Hmm ok if you say so. Thing is I Have played it. From a gameplay perspective it's fun and a good game. But yes I stand by what I said about Titanfall. Opinions are subjective, deal with it. Infamous second sons graphics are Very underwhelming to me.
It baffles me how people can say it looks better then games like Ryse, Killzone SF. Again, it's an ok looking game. By no means an ugly game but not all that great looking either. I was quite underwhelmed by its graphics.
Infamous second son best looking game ever? How do I say this gently....Hell NO it is not. Compare it to games like Crysis 3, Killzone SF, Titanfall, Battlefield 4 hell even Tomb raider the definitive edition. Infamous second son comes up short.
In all fairness there are a few nice effects here and there like particles and water reflections but aside from that it's an ok looking game. I honestly was Unimpressed by its visuals
Well Hardcore gamer, to me that *could* mean someone who has current gen systems as well as older ones, for me i still have my Nes, Super Nes (2 of them) N64 Gamecube, Ps1, Ps2, Ps3, Xbox 1 Xbox 360, Sega Genesis, Dreamcast , Sega CD, Gameboy, GBC, GBA SP, DS, Panasonic 3DO,and sega Saturn.I also have over 50 Nes games all With their cardboard packages instructions included.
Also have games like the original Metal gear for nes with the map it came with the box and plastic sleeve, i have around 15 different Castlevania titles for various systems (anything from Psp to Nes to Super nes to genesis etc) i have Mega man 1-8 on a gamecube disc, megaman x collection for PS2. i still have games like Super metroid with the box and instructions.
I also have Final Fantasy 7 and 9 for PS1, i have the original Resident evil for ps1 (came out in 1996 long cardboard/plastic box back then) as well as res evil directors cut res evil 2, 3, code veronica dreamcast version, res evil 4 for gamecube and ps2, res evil 5 for 360. i own devil may cry 1 3 and 4, onimusha 1,2 and 3. street fighter i have st fighter 1 for my pc, st fighter 2 for Snes, st fighter 2 turbo for Snes Super st fighter 2 Snes, St fighter alpha for ps1, st fighter alpha 2 for Saturn Alpha 3 for dreamcast and ps1, also have the alpha collection for ps2.
i have third strike for dreamcast ps2 and super st fighter 2 turbo for my 3DO and on a compilation anniversary disc for ps2, also have st fighter 4 for 360. i could go on about my game collection but more importantly what makes you hardcore?. alot i think really.
Your game collection how many years you've been playing if you not only "play" games but read magazines, check websites regularly go to game stores etc also can you say you've played , Half life, 2, Zelda OOT,Metal gear solid, Bioshock, Halo trilogy, Call of duty series, Grand theft auto, various mario titles including Galaxy, the Tekken/soul calibur series, Mass effect, etc etc basically the most important titles of the past 15 or so years sales wise and review wise.
All of that i think makes one a *hardcore* gamer.
I also own a Wii, but other then Mario Kart for the Wii there isn't much else to play online, that is pretty fun online, somewhat mindless but enjoyable more then i care to admit lol. Speaking of Wii , if i had to choose between Halo 3 ODST Or, Muramasa the demon blade for the Wii, i would easily choose Muramasa, Art style is incredible , sadly it's strictly single player.
Well i may decide to Rent instead of buy, i do that more often then not , well that or try the demo's online. with halo 3 ODST likely there never will be a demo and it's Very similar to older halo titles, i guess in the next few days we'll see if 1up, Gamespot and or Gametrailers post a review.
I've read the few reviews on it and so far it sounds like a Very short single player campaign, maybe 5 hours. Heavenly sword was great while it lasted but a mere 4 and a half to 5 hours. with no multiplayer that i remember, thankfully that was only a rental.
As far as Halo 3 ODST, it Will have multiplayer and 3 new maps that can only be played on if you own the game, i do play Halo 3 online Alot and enjoy it, so the firefight mode and the new maps may be the deciding factor, but still i may wait for Gamespots or Gametrailers reviews before i decide, if i decide Not to get it there's still plenty of fun to be had in old halo 3.
Plus less then 2 months time, Call of duty ,modern warfare 2! Uncharted 2, Tekken 6 and some others, now with the titles on the horizon, that makes Halo 3 ODST not look too bright...
Anyways, my gamertag is Jase8793
Feel free to add me and also for PS3 it's MarvelHu1k
I would have to second that, Grand Theft Auto, not so much the PS2/Xbox ones but most Deffinately GTA 4, for me WAY over rated. i bought it on release night played it for some time and realised with a few notible exceptions, really all it was , was better graphics and very little else yet websites praised it as one of THE best ever games made.
Of course that is just my opinion, but for me i traded my copy of GTA 4 in maybe a few weeks after getting it, i got quite bored.Another one comes to mind, Half Life, the second one and the episodes that followed were pretty good but for me, the first HL was merely ok but reviews praised it as it was revolutionary, i just didn't see that when i played it years ago.
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