@atlanticmoon @thequickshooter Tell me something they haven't royally screwed? And I mean it, DA 2 sucked, BF3 sucked, ME3 suked, they take out the joy of games and make them monek miling COD wannabes
@Emerald_Scott @Liquid-San See you want to change fundamental aspects of what makes DS such a great game, dude this game is not for you, you are not the intended audience, it;s one of the reasons I stopped playing COD, I realized I wanted to play a cool tactical shooting game, that game was not for me, it woudl be ridicoulous everytime a post of a new COD came out, I would be there saying, no you guys should make a mode where only people who want to play tactical can play, I'd be wrong! There are games that cater to that tactical sense, Arma, Red ORchestra, CS 1.6, but not COD, such as DS want to give a feeling of despair everytime you playu, an uncertainty if you should keep on going and maybe face a boss and loose all your souls, or go back, rest and fight all the enemies again, it;s these decisions that are connected to gameplay and difficulty mechanics, that make the past two games so memorable in a generation of games that are almost always way too easy.
@silvergol @SeannTHEsheep Bill Gates is no longer CEO nor main shareholder of MS, if anything what his foundation, the Bill and Melinda have done to help 3rd word countries is something that should be applauded by everyone, get your facts straight before you criticize someone doing awesome things
@Yomigaeru @VeeArSick @Queuing_is_back No, they add the industrial design value and this kind of expensive brand/club to the price tag, Mac components aren't anything to be wowed at, specially Imac ones, and a lot of them are underclocked from the factory, and Mac has terrible issues with GPU and sometimes CPU drivers
@Queuing_is_back @VeeArSick Have you seen the losses Sony as a whole has been posting, I love what they do with the playstation brand, but on the other business ends, things ain't so bright, they even had to sell their Tokio and NY HQs, that's never a good sign, and MS as long as it has Office and businesses keep buying Windows, they couldn't care less
@forlietu @acelogan1989 @hector530 @guzhead Lol no, I'm a Graphic Designer, and while Macs might beat medium tier PCs, high end PCs sweep the floor with macs, compare a mac pro against a custom built PC, usually the GPU will perform better in Windows, specially if it's an NVIDIA Card, and it's much cheaper, also for rendering 3D and movies, a powerful PC will outperform MAcPros any day, the thing is, many people still think it's the 90's when many design programs where only on MacOS, but that isn;t the case anymore, at least on a personal level, the Adobe CS6 works better on my Windows machines than on MacOS.
Now if you say tht you prefer MacOS for whatever reason, that is okay, since that is completely subjective.
@visionedorange @MAD_AI I think you're just poor and cant afford to buy a PC and the consoles of your choice, sorry if you're broke, not all of us are.
Sk8rlink's comments