@vinxent88 Lightning reminds me of the Final Fantasy character that starts the game dark and brooding but by the end she lightens up and becomes a more relatable character. Then there's Lightning. Since she is also the "savior of everything" it seemed weird to have such a boring character be the driving force for the series.
I'm happy that with this game finished that Square-Enix can move on to a new story. I can only speak for myself but I found FFXIII to not be that impressive and definitely not impressive enough to have two sequels. Let's hope that the next chapter is a little more memorable and a little less milking an anemic cow.
@shingui5 Table-top gaming has gotten this bad stigma but it's generally by people that have never really even played a pen and paper game.
It's the perfect gaming situation as far as I am concerned. No adventure ever the same and since the popularity of table top gaming has increased there are lots of new people that are looking to see what it is all about. Just head to your local hobby and game shop and see if they do any regular events, here we have a weekly D&D Encounter every Wednesday, where there is no real commitment to having to be there every week, and just give it a try.
At worst, you'll have lost a night of doing something.
At best, you'll find a hobby that's a lot of fun, full of imagination, and different from video games in the best way, in my opinion.
@ZEeduardo94 I know that some local shops have things like D&D Encounters where they run pre-made adventures for people of all skill levels to join in and have fun. It's very drop in, drop out and there's no real commitment that you may have with a regular gaming group that's mid campaign. Most gaming shops have boards that have groups that are looking for members or advertise that they're playing so others can join in.
Whatever you have to do give it a shot because it's a lot of fun, a lot of good interaction from role-playing, and well... it's A LOT OF FUN.
I feel the same way Johnny. A few years ago I too played my first campaign of Dungeons and Dragons and since then I've bought dozens of board games and still play D&D because of the freedom and social interaction that you can't get unless you are sitting at a table talking to your friends and having a good time. Definitely not for everyone but I can see many people putting aside a night to grab good friends, good beer, and good games and having a smashing good time.
"We need more Poke'Mon names! Flurple? HAVE WE USED FLURPLE!? Try to see if we've tried GLUBBAL! What had I done with my LIFE!?" - Presumed Typical Poke'Mon Name Meeting
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