i love egging houses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by SkullOFfate345 on Comments
have u ever its really sweet its so much fun ur heart races in stuff when ur eggs hit the house and make a big boom. ya kick ass.. and u have to run back to my house as quickly as possible.the date this blog is posted is when i egged a house at officaly 1:04 A.M man u should try it. but u have to do it like at 2 or 3 in the morining. and go really undrcover i almost got caught by a cop but i ran for it. damn it was some close **** and when a car comes DROP. EMEDIETLY. IM SERIOUS. SINCE WE HAVE NEIBORHOOD WATH IT IS MORE DANGORUS. so be silent and dont get caught and dont take too much eggs ir ur parents will know its happened to me prentty of times but i dont get in trouble because they dont care.. but if there stupid, like i care. but its fun. and the first time u do it its scary at first but then u come to love it.
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