It sold about 50million more units than its' predecessor and has had a stranglehold on the U.S. market for years.
I'd say they are pretty pleased with themselves.
SkyRaid's forum posts
I'd like to see a new IP. They did two great batman games, but it's time to let them do something they want.
They have earned the chance, imo.
Cows need to l2 damage control. Bringing up old flops isn't helping their cause.
They are working on it, the cell is struggling to run their decision engine...this has been known since the problems after launch. Should be blaming Sony and Toshiba for making such a dud of a processor. They wanted to be able to get most of their parts in-house, not a bad idea but it just didn't work out. Why do you think all the Ps4 rumors are attached to AMD? They aren't going with Cell tech next gen.
Don't blame Bethesda for this. It's naive to think that they aren't affected by this loss of revenue and are trying to fix it asap.
ME3 dark horse here.
I'm a few hours into Leon's campaign and I must say, the QTEs do suck. There isn't a lot of exploration so far and it feels more like I'm playing a micheal bay movie than a survival horror game. Also, it takes a lot of bullets to take down anything, even with headshots. I wouldn't say its a 4.5, but I can see how fans of the series would be very dissapointed.
Time for a reboot, imo.
Why is every ad on this site about "Barack and Joe"? I come here for games, not politics. Not to mention whoever designed them sure thinks we are a slow witted and easily convinced group.
Based off the lists people are posting, I'd say no.
Halo is currently more relevant than any of nintendo's flagship franchises. This is due to simply more Halo games being made recently, imo. I mean, We had two LoZ over 8 years and 5 Halos. Not to mention, shooters are the "It" genre of this generation so yeah. I do disagree with an earlier post about SSB, no offense to it but it's not a game people clamor for. Maybe on THESE forums but not in the real world. I think it's prime was on the N64, just not the same without some face to face trash talking. Honestly think thats the reason fighters have aged so poorly, imo.
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