There announcing next month and trying to make sure that when they do, they will not be sharing the spotlight with anyone else I dont see the problem here
1. No, its normal to expect that and there is nothing wrong with being disappointed if it doesnt go into the next game 2. No, if you buy a product, it should work day one. Video Games seem to be the one industry that seems to be able to get away with this sh*t to some extent And I am someone who absolutely hates this entitlement that gamers have. People who dont believe that it happens can look at a number of things such as the 'Hardcore' vs 'Casual' (this also includes how gamers see the xbox ATM aswell and saw the wii), people trying to sue a company because they didnt like their games ending, people crying when a game gets cancelled cause it needed to sell more and that can also go for gamers attacking theses devs and publishers business models and tend to be talking absolute nonsense while doing it. And finally the amount of stuff gamers seem to think should be free. Gamers are seen as entitled by many for a good reason. The 2 TC mentioned arent one of them.
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